Entry 5

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I went into my room, shut my door, and threw myself on the bed. I laid there just daydreaming about my mom. I missed her so much and hated myself. Everything would be different if she was there. I wouldn't feel like this. I wouldn't feel worthless. I would feel like I had a purpose.

I soon fell asleep. When I woke up it was 3:00pm. I got up, stretched, opened my door, and went down the hall. I didn't see my dad. I figured he was in his room. I went up to his room. He wasn't there. Where could he have gone? I knocked on the bathroom door; no response.

I walked outside and looked around. His car was still in the driveway so he hadn't gone far. I walked around to our backyard. We have a average size backyard then after that there's nothing but woods and big trees. There's no way my dad went in there I thought to myself. I looked around my backyard and then something caught my eye near where the woods began. Slowly, I walked toward it. It was a shoe. My dad's shoe. I bent down and picked it up and sure enough I was right. I started getting really worried. “Dad?!” I yelled out. “Dad where are you!?” I could feel myself about to cry but I didn't. I stood there at the edge of the woods, afraid to move. I looked out into the woods. The grass was high, I saw giant spider webs holding on to trees, big bushes on every corner, and fallen trees waiting to be taken away by time.

I was afraid to go in. If something had happen to my dad, I didn't want to see it. I slowly walked in. I looked to the left and right and saw nothing. I kept walking. Why would my dad even be in the woods? He's never went in here before unless we were camping or something of that nature. After a few minutes have passed I soon walked up on a hill. The hill wasn't that big, but if you fell down it you would surely break something. I looked down it and saw a body. It was laying there on its belly like whoever it was fell down the hill. I looked at the body and soon realized it was only wearing one shoe. The shoe the body had on matched the one in my hand. I ran down the hill. I tripped over a stick a little over half way down and ended up sliding down on my hands and knees. My legs and hands were covered in dirt, but I didn't care. I just had to see if my dad was ok. I have to go, so I'll finish this later.


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