Entry 4

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I woke up that morning at 8am. I got out of bed and when down the hall to my dad's bedroom to see if he was up, and of course he wasn’t. I had a terrible headache and I felt sick to my stomach. Last nights events were somewhat of a blur to me. All I remembered was talking to my dad, getting into bed, my door slammed shut, a voice but I didn’t quite remember what it said, and then I passed out.

Anyway, after I got up I went down the hall to the kitchen and ate a bowl of Lucky Charms. I turned on the TV and put it on Spongebob. Soon after my dad got up and came down stairs. He looked groggy and still tired. He had bags under his eyes and they were blood-shot. To be honest, my dad was a not-that-bad-looking type of guy. He had dark blue eyes and brown hair like me. He was 6’6” and kinda on the fit side. He didn't have any type of accent, just a normal everyday man voice. Nothing special. Just like me.

“Hey honey. What's for breakfast?”


I could tell he didn't really want to talk to me. He only said something because he thought he had to. “If you don't want Ceral then cook something.” He just looked at me for a second. “Fine. I guess I'll make some pancakes.” I smiled at him, but he didn't smile back. He went into the kitchen and I heard him open a cabinet and grab some stuff. I returned my focus to Spongebob. After the 30 minute episode was over my dad called to me and told me he was done with the pancakes. I got up and went to the kitchen, then put my bowl into the sink. I grabbed a plate and fork and took a few pancakes and sat down at the table with my dad. “So dad, how'd you sleep?” “Good.” He shoved some pancakes in his mouth to avoid talking anymore. We sat in silence for the remainder of breakfast. When we were done, he got up and put his plate in the sink. I got up behind him. “I'll wash dishes” he said and I quickly disagreed without thinking. “No, I'll wash them.” “I said I'll wash them” as he said that he quickly snatched the plate out of my hand and threw it in the sink. I knew there was no point in saying anything, so I sulked away into my room. Sorry to end this now but I'll finish it later.


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