Wish That You Were Here

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(If you read my old book, you can skip to whatever I never published)

[Warning: This is sad. Sorry. And it's gonna be a long one shot heads up]

Olive is the kind of person who is always happy. She always smiles, is kind, caring, and loving. Olive always looks like she might break her face from smiling so much, she has such a wonderful life.

Or at least that's what everybody thinks.

On the inside, Olive is breaking. She is heartbroken and depressed. She always has nightmares about her past, where her family abused her. She puts on a smile to make everyone think everything is fine. But it's not fine. At night she silently cries herself to sleep. She's used to it though, it's been this way for as long as she can remember.

Sometimes she is genuinely happy. But other times it's fake. When she has had enough she usually makes up an excuse and goes to her room. Not tonight. Tonight she had really had enough.



It was dinner time. Everyone was eating happily. I sat at the head of the table, opposite of Miss Peregrine. Everyone chatted away quietly until Claire asked a question which got everyone's attention.

"What's wrong Olive? You don't look happy." Claire asked sweetly, obvious concern in her voice even for a child.

Now that I looked at Olive closely, she didn't seem her happy self. She was trying to smile but her act wasn't working. Everyone could tell it was fake. She obviously noticed everyone see it too since she let her smile drop.

"I'm fine. Just a little tired." She replied and smiled once again.

"No you're not, you look sad!" Millard exclaimed.

"No, I'm really fine." She answered looking down at her plate.

Something is wrong with Olive and I need to figure it out.

"Sure you are, it's not like we can see you faking your smiles or anything." I scoffed at her.

"I said I'm fine!" She yelled immediately getting up and running out of the dining room.

Maybe I shouldn't have been that rude.

We all thought she was just having a bad day and would go to her room, but then we heard the front door click open and slam shut.

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