Highschool | Part One

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/Modern High School AU\

A/N Sorry if this is bad... I love reading modern high school stories but I'm not really good at writing them...


Today was the first day of sophomore year. (A/N I know they're over in the UK but I'm here in the US so I don't know how their schools work so we're just sticking to the American way) I was transferring to a new school this year, so I'm pretty nervous.

When I got to the school I went to the office and signed in and got my schedule. I had time so I decided to walk around and get a good look at the school. I saw different groups of people, all looking like typical high school friend groups, but then I saw this one group of people that looked...peculiar.

There seemed to be nerds, popular people, someone who looked like they hated the world, and just regular looking people mixed together. They seemed nice though, like they had been together for years.

But I just walked by and went to my first class. I'm too shy to start any conversations so I don't plan on making any friends anytime soon.


It was now lunch time. My first three classes for the day seemed to go by pretty quickly, but then again, we hardly did anything since it's the first day of the school year.

I walked into the lunch room and was immediately overwhelmed with how many people were there. I decided to get my lunch and then eat outside since it was nice weather, and there weren't as many people out there.

I went outside and sat at a table that no one was at. I started to eat when some people walked up.

"Mind if we sit here?" A guy with brown hair, brown eyes, and a friendly smile asked motioning towards the table. He was pretty cute. (A/N I looked it up but couldn't figure out what color eyes he has, and idk if it's brown or black hair, but in the movie it's brown sooo)

"Go ahead." I quietly said.

"My name's Hugh." He said.

"Fiona." I replied.

He was with two other people, which I then realized, they were part of the group I thought was peculiar.

There was a guy who looked like a nerd (it's Millard, and I'm too lazy to describe what he looks like, plus idk how to describe someone who is normally invisible) and a girl that has fiery red hair and pretty green eyes. (I'm doing movie Olive, Enoch and Emma)

They sat down and started eating.

"I'm Olive Elephanta." The girl said. She seemed very cheerful. I just smiled in response.

"Millard. Millard Nullings." The nerd with the bow tie said.

"So, you new here? I don't think I saw you last year." Hugh said.

I nodded.

"How come you don't talk much?" Millard asked.

I just shrugged my shoulders which made them chuckle.

"Don't mind them." Olive said as more people came over. I noticed it was everyone else I saw hanging out with each other this morning.

I learned their names were Horace, Emma, Enoch (the grumpy one), Victor, and a transfer student from America, Jacob.

We had a nice lunch. I didn't talk much, but I enjoyed listening to their stories, and Enoch's sarcastic replies. I got most of their phone numbers, except for Enoch's, but Emma texted me saying she'd put me in a group chat with him later.

Soon lunch was over and then the end of the day came quickly. We all met up in the parking lot and said our goodbyes.

When I got home I told my mum (that's what people in the UK say right?) about how I made friends today. Let's just say she was pretty excited that her shy daughter interacted with living humans that weren't family.

After dinner I was in my room when I got a text. It was a group chat Hugh started with everybody.

Hugh- Anyone wanna come over to my place? Millard's already here.
Emma- Sure!
Horace- I'm free.
Enoch- No.
Victor- Come on Enoch, don't be a grump.
Jake- Yeah Enoch, Olive will be there ;)
Olive- I will?
Enoch- Why would I care if she's there.
Enoch- NO I DON'T!
Millard- DENIAL!
Emma- SHUT UP! Victor, bring Enoch. Fiona, are you coming?

I laughed at their mini fight and then realized I should ask my mom first.

"Mum!" I ran down the stairs so she could hear me, "I was invited to my friends house and all of them will be the-"

"Yes! You can go! Aww, my baby's socializing!" She cut me off.


She just laughed as I went back up to my room.

Fiona- I'll be there. Where do you live?

Hugh sent his address as I got ready. For some reason, I had a feeling to look nice. My old friend from Ireland would have said I was trying to impress someone. But I'm not trying to impress Hugh, am I? I mean he is cute...

I walked over to Hugh's. Luckily, he only lived a few blocks away.

As I knocked on the door, I could hear people talking inside. Millard opened the door and I instantly heard Hugh's, already familiar, voice call out my name.

"FIONA!" He screamed excitedly.

I felt my face heat up from blushing.

This will be a fun night.

PART ONE OF MY FIRST FUGH FANFIC EVER! How did you guys like it? I'll be making a part two soon, don't worry. So yeah, that's all I have to say....BYE! (Sorry for my weirdness)

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