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(Jokes on you)

Jade stormed through Leigh-Anne's house with anger. How could she mess things up with her and Sam? He was everything to her, but no. Leigh-Anne just had to ruin their relationship.

*flashback to the story*

I sit on Jesy's couch, waiting for her to get out of the shower. I guess you could say me and Jesy are "something". I mean we only call each other for sex or if we need comfort. Is that a girlfriend?

I don't know, but whatever this is, it's the only thing that keeps Jade off my mind at night. Call me crazy, but falling for your best friend is the worst thing you could ever do. Especially when she has a boyfriend.

Sam Craske.

Now don't get me wrong, the lad is good with Jade. But I prefer myself over him. He's not smart, and terribly ugly for Jade's taste. I guess she likes what she likes.

But then again I hate it that she's with him. I've always been so stuck up Jade's asshole, I could never be happy for her when she's with him.

She's gorgeous. Light brown eyes, ombré hair, a petite body that can make a gal go crazy everywhere inside. But most of all, that cute, bubbly personality of hers is what gets me goin.

I huff a sigh. I hear Jesy turn the water off. I'm pretty sure she doesn't know Jade exists, so I'm gladly going to keep it that way for now.

"Hey babe." Jesy came in moments later, kissing my lips warmly. "Hey." I smile at her. She puts her hair up in a bun and turns the television on. "You could have been looking for a film for us to watch silly." She chuckled at me and nudged my side.

"You always pick the best movies though." I wine and set my head in her lap. She counties to flip through movies. Her other hand, played with my hair. I close my eyes. Jesy was the sweetest girl in the world. I do love her, but I'm not in love with her like I am with Jade.

I think I should keep Jesy around a lot more. She's the perfect pillow case for my pillow if you get what I mean. "Hey," I groan and scrunch my nose up after Jesy licked the tip of my nose. "You fell asleep silly." She giggled cutely at me.

I sit up and peck her cheek. "Have you found a movie yet?" I ask her. She shook her head no. "What can we do then?" I groan from boredom
As she turned the television off.
Jesy sits and thinks along with me. I have an idea, but I'm not sure how she would react..

"I have an idea." I say bluntly. Jesy looks at me with her catlike green eyes. "And that is?" She asked me with an arched eyebrow.

"We could prank someone I know." I smirk devilishly. Her eyes widen, but she returns that smirk. "How so?" She asked, interested.

"I know this girl who's in this relationship with this one boy I really hate. We could prank them and see if they separate for good?" It's the best bloody prank ever. "Are you with me?" I ask her.

Jesy nods her head eagerly. That same devilish smirk played on her lips. "Oh I'm always with you hun." She said.

"So what's the plan then?" Jesy asked me as I grab my phone and house keys. "We have to spy on the two and make sure they are together. Then when we see them finally go their separate ways, I can steal his phone, but dial his girlfriend and make moaning noises. It'll all make sense when we are inaction." I say to Jesy as I start cracking up with her.

"Oh my god!" She clutched her stomach. "This is going to be juicy!" She said as she wiped a few tears that prickled from her eyes from laughing so hard.

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