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It was nightfall. The stars in the sky lit the beautiful country, giving off light into the darkness. The moon was a perfect sphere tonight, glowing the night away as if it were a nightlight.

Jesy laid outside with her lovely wife Jade. The two had been going steady with their marriage for three years. They started off dating for two years, making them being together for a five full years.

"The stars are bright tonight." Jade said in awe as they sat down on a picnic blanket in the bed of Jesy's pickup truck. The two laid beside each other, loving every second of this wonderful moment hey shared with each other.

"They kind of shine like your eyes in the light. They give off that perfect yellowish color." Jesy said, thinking about Jade's crazy light brown eyes.

"Really?" Her wife replied, looking at her. Jesy nodded her head. Her gaze fixed on the stars above them. "Yeah. It's almost amazing at the resemblance." Jesy said in amazement.

The two didn't say anything after that. They looked up at the open sky above them. A slight breeze blew through Jade's hair, tickling Jesy's face as it brushed against her cheekbone. The sky was perfect tonight. It went perfect with the crisp country weather. It must have been two in the morning or something.

"This is perfect." Jade said, watching a shooting star fly across the sky. "It's so perfect I'm not even sure how to explain it." She said.

Jesy looked at her through the moonlight. Her wife was perfect on this perfect night. Her cheek bones, slightly pink, strands of her ombré hair continued to tickle Jesy's face through the slight breeze, her eyes were the most perfect pair of eyes Jesy has ever seen.

This was the perfect night.

"You're so perfect." Jesy's smiled, staring at her wife. "I would rather stare at the brightest star next to me, then stare at the other billion above me." She sat up next to Jade.

Her wife followed her actions and did the same. "How am I the brightest star?" Jade asked.

"Because you outshine all the others in my eyes babe." Jesy said, caressing her face. "I think if we had a daughter, I would name her Star Marie Nelson." Jesy said. Jade's eyes widened.

Not once throughout their whole marriage have they ever talked about kids. The two loved kids with a passion, but the thought of having their own? It kind of made Jade paranoid. She always thought she would be a horrible mother. Leaving them in the car to long, or falling asleep on them with the stove on.

"Babe.." Jade said, looking in Jesy's eyes. "I'm not ready for kids." She said sadly. Jesy arched her eyebrow at her. How is she not ready for kids? The two of them would make the perfect child. Weather it was a boy or girl, they would still be the star that outshines all the others.

"Why?" Jesy asked.

"Because, I have a fear of hurting our child unintentionally. I don't want to be the worlds worst mum Jes." Jade sighed, playing with the shoelaces on her vans. "That's my biggest fear in life." She mumbled, looking down at her crossed legs.

"Hey," Jesy lifted her chin up so she was looking into her eyes again. "Please don't say that. We can get through this together. If we conceived a child, we would both be the best parents in the world." Jesy said, making Jade feel a million times better.

"I love you." Jade smiled.

"I love you." Jesy smiled at her wife before kissing her lips. "Can we please have a baby though?" Jesy asked, her bright hazel eyes lighting up at the thought of having their daughter Star.

Jade sat, in deep thought. Did she really want a child? Jesy's face fell as she waited for Jade to respond. But silence grew between them, well besides the locusts that could be heard at night. Jade didn't respond. She didn't want to say no but she didn't want to say yes. She didn't want to say anything.

A frown crept its way on Jesy's face as she grew impatient. Jade looked at the rocks on the ground. They looked like little chunks from the moon.

"Fine." Jesy mumbled, hopping off o the back of the truck. "I'm going to bed." She said before making her way up to the porch.

"Babe please don't leave me." Jade begged, grabbing the picnic blanket and closing the back of the truck up.

"I'm not leaving you Jade. I said I was going to bed." Jesy replied, angry. This wasn't what Jade wanted at all. Why couldn't Jesy give her time to think about this? Having kids is the biggest step you could ever take in life. Responsibilities and more anxiety.

But then again, how could you not want kids? Little bundles of joy running around the house. The thought of that Made Jade smile. A baby girl and a baby boy sounded perfect. And who knows, maybe even another boy and another girl?

Jade knew Jesy was annoyed. Instead of calling her a nickname, she called her by her real name, causing the younger girl to seriously feel sorry for not sharing her opinion.

"Jes please!" Jade begged her wife as she marched upstairs. She ignored Jade and slammed their bedroom door, instantly sobbing her eyes out, with her face in a pillow. Which of course was Jade's.

Jesy felt like Jade didn't want their marriage to grow. She thought having kids with your spouse, could help their relationship, help them grow more in love with each other. She wanted to share little bundles of joy with Jade so their love could last a lifetime. But Jade didn't understand that. She thought her and Jesy were fine the way they were. Young, free, married, and in love.

"Jesy please?" Jade knocked on the door. Hearing her wife's sobs was the worst thing Jade could ever hear in her life. Especially, if she was the reason.

"I-I just want to talk." Jade whispered. There was silence. Not even Jesy's sobs were heard. "Babe?" Jade came in, slowly turning the knob. She walked in, seeing Jesy tuned on we side of the bed, her back facing Jade.

"I just don't think kids are the best thing right now. We're young and careless. But I think we could give this- no, you know what?" Jade closed her eyes and thought for a moment. "If we have a kid. I'm going to be the best mum in the world. I don't care if it's a boy and he's gay or if it's a girl and she's a lesbian. I'm willing to make a beautiful family with you." Jade said, causing Jesy to smile.

She didn't turn around. But she closed her eyes, almost falling asleep. "How come it took you so long to say those words?" Jesy mumbled tiredly.

"Because darling, taking a step further into our relationship really gets you thinking. And kids is the biggest decision anyone could ever make in their life. But we can't rush into things babe. Because then that leads to regret. I don't want to regret making babies with my wife. I want to fully trust everything we have together before having kids. I mean, I already trust you, but we can give our love a little more time." Jade said, taking her shoes off and cuddling into Jesy. "Think about it baby." Jade said, planing kisses on the back of Jesy's exposed shoulder from her tank top.

She wrapped a comforting hand around Jesy's waist and snuggled in the back of her neck. Jesy didn't say anything els as she was already asleep. "Goodnight my future mummy." Jade whispered before zooming off into sleep.

-the end-

Little Mix: one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now