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The fight #2

Jade reached school with Perrie behind her. She was scared..no scratch that, she was nervous. She was nervous of what Jade would say, and what Jesy would do. Would they fight? Would they argue? This was all so confusing to the blonde. She blew a sigh out into the cold, London air.

"It's going to be alright pez. That bloody whore will learn today." Jade said, dragging her into the highschool by the hand. They had twenty minutes before the bell was to ring.

"I know." Perrie pouted and looked down. "I'm just scared to see what's going to happen. Even though I know you can defeat anyone and anything, I'm just a bit frightened is all." Perrie said.

Jade turned around and looked her in her crystal blue eyes. "Pez, leave it to me. Okay? There's nothing to worry about anymore." Jade said, her anger boiling. What had she done to her best friend?

"Okay." Perrie mumbled and looked at her fingers. She felt bad. Something bad was going to happen. She felt it deep.

And she wasn't feeling pretty.


Jade and Perrie were just casually standing by their lockers, talking and laughing for a bit. There was only ten minutes before the second bell would ring for their first class.

Jesy walked up with the most confidence in the world smirking, with her gang behind her.

"What's up loser." Jesy said, making the other two girls to stop smiling and looked at her.

Jesy's gang laughed.

"Please Jesy-"

"Fuck off bitch." Jade pushed her to the ground, and got on top of her. "I'm tired!" Jade started with a punch, "of your shit with my best friend!" Jade screamed, punching lefts and rights. There wasn't that much blood, but there was a bruise on her left cheek.

With her strength, Jesy managed to get the smaller girl off of her and switched their positions. Jesy was now on top, punching the shit out of Jade's face. Everyone stood in a crowd, watching the two girls throw punch after punch.

"Fight, fight, fight!" The students chanted before a man with an all black suit came rushing out of his office with two other woman.

Perrie stood in the crowd, crying her eyes out.

"Alright enough! Enough! Get to class morons!" A lady shooed every student from the crowd away as the man pulled Jesy off of Jade and the other woman pulled Jade back. The principal and the two ladies escorted both of them, unaware that Perrie was following them.


"What the actual hell was that?!" The man in the black suit said to the bloody faced girls in the two chairs in front of his desk. They both were a mess and Jesy had tears in her eyes.

"The bitch deserved it." Jade mumbled.

"The whore got what she needed." Jesy said. "She started it anyways-"

"That's enough!" The principal shouted. "One by one tell me what happened." The man crossed his arms over his chest and finally sat down.

"I was just wandering the halls when-"

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's a blonde girl who keeps calling for Jade Thriwall." The assistant principal who escorted Jade from the fight said.

And in a flash, Jade was out of the office, racing down the hall to see Perrie's blood shot eyes. She sat in a waiting chair. She'd almost forgot about the whole reason what she was here for.

"Jade!" She said running up to hug her. "You're a mess." She whispered, a few tears falling from her eyes.

"I know. I'm always a mess for you." Jade smiled, looking down at her blood covered shirt. She wasn't sure how her mother would react to this. But she knew it wasn't going to be so hot.

"That was...the bravest thing anyone's ever done for me." Perrie whispered to Jade as she looked her in the caramel eyes.

"Yeah." Jade smiled. "I'm best bitch, remember?" Jade chuckled.

"You're my best bitch though. Like I can't even explain it." Perrie said, caressing her face.

The next thing Jade knew, Perrie's lips were attacking hers, kissing the bloody love out of them.

Jade seemed shocked, but the way Perrie kissed her with passion, she couldn't resist. Even though the two were straight, both of them couldn't believe how much of a spark they were feeling for each other.

"Perrie.." Jade said, her eyes still closed. She opened them to see a smudge of blood on Perries lips. The blonde was flustered, smiling and blushed.

"Jade." She said, grabbing her bag. "Text me when your mam comes. I want details about your suspension and everything." Perrie walked back up to her best friend. "And I'm coming over this weekend too." She smirked, and kissed Jade on the lips again before leaving the front office.

"Damn it Pez." Jade bit her lip and touched it. She never knew how good a girls lips could feel.

"It's amazing isn't it?" A woman with curly thick hair said to Jade behind the desk.


"Kissing a girl. Their lips so soft, so plump. It's amazing to feel their warmth and smell their perfume." She smiled at Jade. "Here." She handed her an ice pack and a few bandages. "Good for you. She told me everything that happened." She said.

"Thank you miss Pinnock." Jade smiled. "Are you ga-"

"Thirlwall!" The principal said, Jade jerked her head and wiped the blood that trickled down her face.

"I'm coming mister grumpy." Jade mumbled. "Thanks miss P." She smiled again at the woman and walked down the hall.

"Oh and Jade?" She said after her.


"Answering your question, yes. Yes I am. And Perrie said for me to tell you, that she's always loved you. Since grade six." She smiled.

-The End!-

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