Chapter 44

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"Come on Harry." I cooed, my hand running over his back as he lay in my arms. My eyes ran over Jeans fathers unconscious form and I shivered.

I held Harry tight, trying my hardest to soak up the panic and fear and anger that brewed inside of him. I could feel his muscles tense with each breath and I squeezed him closer to me, encouraging him to draw from whatever strength I had left.

"Just breathe." I whispered, my lips brushing his ear. "I love you."

Harry looked up when footsteps sounded on the floor. Two officers came in, their guns drawn, pointed at the villain on the floor.

"You two kids okay?" One asked, looking over his shoulder at me, his muscles poised.

"Yeah, we're fine." I replied, I stood, grabbing Harry's hand and tugging him up with me. I wrapped my arm around his torso, his own arm draped across my shoulders. He wiped a hand across his face, sniffling softly, trying to be brave.

"Are you okay?" I whispered up to him, my eyebrows crinkled in worry.

"I'm good." he replied softly, his voice thick. "Let's go okay?"

I nodded. We stepped around the officers as they hauled a half conscious man off the floor, dragging him out to the car and placing him in the back. Harry reached his arm out, clicking his keys to unlock his cars but I laid my hand on top of his, stilling his motions. He looked up at me, questions in his gaze.

"Come home with me." I said softly. "It's sleep over night."

He looked at me for anther moment before nodding. He tucked the keys into his back pocket and followed me down the sidewalk back to my house. I could feel his presence fall into step beside me and I reached out into the dark for his hand, my fingers tangling perfectly with his. I gave it a squeeze and we continued in worried silence. He followed me up the steps as we walked in.

"Adelaide!" my mom said, flying from the couch. Her arms enveloped me into a big hug, her hand resting on my head.

"Hi mom." I mumbled into her chest, squeezing her tight, tears pricking my eyelids.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"I think so." I sighed, pulling away slightly. I looked at Harry as he stood in the entryway, his hands tucked into his pockets. I looked back at my mom. "He's going to stay here tonight, okay?"

She looked at him and pursed her lips. "Of course he can." she said, moving away from me to being him into an equally comforting hug. I watched his tall frame bend and fold to hold her close and I marveled at his gentleness. "She's going to be alright Harry." I heard her say into his broad chest. His chin was rested on her head and he nodded.

"Thanks." he said quietly, clearing his throat, holding in the emotions. She let him go and I tipped my head for him to follow me. His steps creaked on the stairs behind me and I could feel his eyes staring at my back. The reality of my confession along with the events of tonight sunk in as we reached the top and I was suddenly exhausted and drained. I opened my door and flicked on the lights, stepping back as Harry moved quietly past me and into the room, shutting the door behind him.

"I'm going to go change alright?" I said, moving towards the closet.

"Sure." he replied and I turned, pulling out shorts and a t shirt. I made my way to the bathroom, pulling off the scrubs. I felt like I was shedding the skin of a bad memory and I kicked it across the floor, letting it have the chance to be forgotten in the shadowed corner where it belonged. I pulled on my t shirt and shorts, running my fingers through my hair and stepping back out. Harry stood at the window, his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes unseeing out the glass into the unknown places of his mind. I padded over, wrapping my arms around him.

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