The mixing of the M&M's

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So I'm about to get my period and I am oddly enough craving peanut M&Ms. lucky for me we have a giant bag in the pantry. But we also have some regular ones too. My family doesn't like the much as I do and my sister likes to mix them both together in a bowl well here is a little story for you.

I was doing the dishes in the kitchen completely ignoring my dad and younger sister behind me. But when I heard my dad say.

"There now they are all mixed."

"Wait did you mix all the m&m's?" I asked.

"Yah why?" He asked.

"I don't like the regular ones." I said.


"I'm gunna kill you" I said returning to finish the last dish. I dried my hands and went over to the M&M container and started sorting some peanut M&Ms into a cup while say under my breath. "Go and mix my dang M&M's last thing you'll ever do."

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