Hair die

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So if you would like to die your hair here are some tips and other possibly helpful things for first time hair die-ers.

• please for the sake of your hair be careful when you bleach it or it will fry and snap like a twig. Consult someone who has at least one experience with bleach or even consult books and articles on the computer but please don't do it unless you know exactly what you are doing.

• use semi permanent die. If you don't like it you can wait for it to fade or wash it out and try a different color. Also it's fun to try a different color every time you re-dye it. Maybe when you find 'your color' than do the permanent die.

• unless you are positive don't do your whole head at first. Do half or some streaks than if you like it do all of it or maybe you like the subtlety of the streaks or the ends.

• if you have bangs and you are doing your tips or streaks try just doing a few random parts in your bangs it ends up looking really cool either way. Unless you already have an idea.

• when picking out your color(s) try to find something unique! It's your hair make it as unique as you!

• have fun with it! Go a bit crazy! Maybe get your friends to do it with you.

If you need any technical (like brands and stuff) tips just ask and I'd be happy to help!

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