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One thing that guys will never get is... well pretty much everything but this one thing in specific is... yep you guessed it periods. We don't even completely get them most of the time.

We bleed continuously for around five days, have awful mood swings that most of the time make zero sense to even us, we can get extreme head and body aches, and vary painful cramps that can sometimes even make us, yes, throw up. Having a period can, on extreme scales, be compared to being ill.

I don't know about you, but sometimes my period decides to wage a full blown war in my body and personally I find this vary annoying and inconvenient. Like really, could you not? You know what I mean though so let's go a bit deeper into this, or in other words I would like a chance to complain in extended detail.

First mood swings. Ya know like when you are either crying, committing or planning to commit mass murder, or being in a state of complete emotional confusion. Half the time you're literally battling internally like, "what the heck do you want now?" "Idk but I know you are going to feel extremely fed up with your self in about an hour.". But there are benefits like I get to the top of the S&S (sass and salty) meter. Also my filter becomes nonexistent and it's not always for the better. (Sorry dad)

Second is aches. For me I can sometimes get body aches and headaches that last all day. You know when you're sick with a cold and you get aches it's basically that with out any reason what so ever. I don't get many headaches but I know people who do and it's not pretty.

And lastly cramps. These are just... the worst. Cramps can be so bad that it can make you nauseous and can result in throwing up, not just for a few minutes but most of the time the cramps can last for hours. This has happened to me and I was in bed all day. It's not fun and I suggest a heating pad or hot bath, plain crackers, which ever pills you prefer to use, and a good stack of books, movies, or extensive playlist. I often find distracting yourself from the pain by watching a good movie (or fan theory videos) or reading a good book are good ways to do that.

Here's a tip/fact:
Chocolate has magnesium, which can help cramps and give you energy. It also contains endorphins, or "happy hormones," which can help, well make you happier. Dark chocolate is high in antioxidants called flavonoids, which may have a positive impact on your health. Chocolate helps. Eat chocolate.

Btw I paused Harry Potter because I had to write this I hope you liked it

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2018 ⏰

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