Chapter 32 - Traitor

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Prince Jungkook turned to the driver, his ear still glued to his phone. "Turn left! She's somewhere up this street. Drive slow."

I looked in every alleyway, doorway, and window I could. Thank God for Jimin. Honestly, I never thought I'd say that.

"Do you see her?" Jungkook asked.

I shook my head. "Not yet."

He pounded his hand repeatedly against the limo seat and grunted. "I shouldn't have left her alone."

He had said that at least a dozen times all ready during our search, the guilt strangling him as much as it did me. But between the two of us, I had to stay level headed. That was the endless job of a royal assistant. Keeping your wits so royalty didn't lose theirs.

But I was losing my sanity every second that I couldn't find her.

"We're both at fault, Your Majesty. We'll find her."

He grunted again, turning back to his driver and barking more orders. Jimin gave him more instructions through the phone.

"Are you sure?" he asked Jimin. "You're positive she's on this street? How long is this damn street?"

My heart clenched. "Stop the car!"

Before it even came to a full stop, I threw myself out the door and into the alleyway. A woman in a blue and gray dress was huddled against the wall, clutching her arms.

"[Y/N]!" I called as she looked up at me. I was never happier to see those eyes in all my life. "Are you all right? What –"

I stopped. As she stood, I saw even more bruises across her face and neck. New ones. God, what did he do to her? I swear, if he –

She took a step forward, shaking. 

I took her into my arms. "Come here. Let's get you out of here."

We started towards the car, but she stopped, gripping onto me. Her body and her breath were shaking so hard I thought she would shatter.

I held her tight in my arms. "Shhh. Shhh, Princess. You're safe now. I've got you."

Just today... Just let me hold her today... 

She got into the car and slid into the seat. I jumped in after her and took her face in my hands, looking at the bruises around her face.

"We thought we lost you."

[Y/N] looked at me with those deep eyes again, and it took everything in me not to kiss her right then.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She shook her head. I brought her close to me. Her arms wrapped around my waist as she leaned her head on my shoulder. For a moment, I felt at peace.

Until I turned to Jungkook.

Uh oh. I had forgotten all about him.

His head cocked to the side, eyes blazing right through me.

He knew how I felt. He could see right through me and there was nothing I could say to cover myself.

And if Jungkook told Jin, I was as good as dead.

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