♡Chapter Three: Keira♡

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The next day I saw Marina again. She's not really that mean at all. Anyway, I sit right behind her. Once Maths started, I began to fall asleep.

"Keira.. Do you need to go to medical?"

"I'm fine." I said. I took my paracetamol and then I was better.

"Keira, meet me outside the Music room during break." said Marina.

"O-okay." I said.

(Time Skip)

"What is it?" I asked.

"You're an angel." said Marina.

"An angel?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm an angel too." she replied.

"I don't believe you."

Marina held her rose pendant and there was a flash of light. Marina reappeared with white wings on her back.

"What?!" I exclaimed in shock.

"Why are you an angel?"

"I was born as one. I came here to protect you. I was right. You are an angel."

I just stood there, confused. Marina's wings vanished and she threw a rose pendant at me except it was pink instead of blue.

"That can bring out your wings whenever you need to."

"I'm not an angel!"

I hope you've enjoyed this story so far! Don't forget to read and vote for my other stories! Follow me and I'll follow you back.


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