♤Chapter Four: Marina♤

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"You are! Here's your rose. Kiss it and you'll grow your wings!"

"I told you. I'm not an angel."

I watched her as she threw the rose charm near the bin.

"You are. I was sent here to protect you. I'm part of the APP."

"APP?" she asked.

"Angel Protection Program. I've been sent here to protect you from the Dark Ones."

"Dark Ones?" Keira asked.

"Fallen Angels. They're trying to destroy the world."

The bell rang. I ran to where the rose was and gave it back to her.

"Use it whenever you sense a Dark One. All angels can sense them."

We went to Art.

"I sense a Dark One!" I said.

"What do we do?" Keira whispered to me.

"We sneak out!" I said.

I clicked my fingers and I stopped time.

"How did you do that?" Keira asked me.

"We angels are born with the ability." I said.

I kissed my rose and then turned into my angel form.

Which looks like this:

Which looks like this:

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"Let's go!" I shouted. Keira nodded.

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