1- Cuddles (naked)

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Brendon woke up late this morning, of course his math teacher hadn't been happy about. Her solution to that problem was yelling at him in front of the whole class.

Then, of course, he had a test in science that he completely forgot about so he didn't even know what the questions meant.

And, of course, in english he had to be the one to read out loud. To the entire class. And, of course, he just had to stutter and trip over every word.

After school he talked to Pete and Patrick, of course, he had been irritated all day and, of course, he got mad at Pete for making jokes he always made.

And, of fucking course, out of any day it could fucking pour outside, it had to be today. And he felt too bad for getting mad at Pete to call him for a ride, he did text him an apology but he never got an answered.


He texted his mom and told her she was going to Patrick's house for the weekend. Then he went to Ryan's house instead, hoping the other boy's dad wasn't home as he knocked on the door.

Even when Ryan smiled at him, Brendon couldn't change his mood. "What's wrong?"

"Bad day," he muttered, pushing his face into Ryan's neck and not really caring if the other boy got wet too. "Really bad day."

Ryan laughed, he fucking laughed, "I could tell. You look like Angry Brendon right now."

"Angry Brendon?" He asked against Ryan's skin, letting out a small puff of air that sounded like a laugh.

"Yes, but right now you sound like Sleepy Brendon." Ryan said, moving his fingers into Brendon's dripping hair.

"I am sleepy."

Ryan didn't say anything as he pulled Brendon inside and into his room. "You wanna sleep?"

Brendon nodded, "But--"

"Your clothes?" Brendon nodded again.

Ryan smiled at Brendon as he got closer and grabbed the hem of his wet T-shirt, pulling it over the boy's head. Brendon toed off his shoes and took his cold socks off as Ryan worked to get the button of his jeans, which took effort to get them off since they were wet. Ryan pulled Brendon close to him when the younger boy tried to cover himself up, "You don't have to do that." He kissed Brendon's neck softly.

"But--" Ryan smacked Brendon bare ass, making him squeak and jump back. Rubbing at the sore spot, Ryan laughed at him but pushed him into his bed.

"I'll be right back." He picked up all Brendon's wet clothes and left the room.

When he got back Brendon was cuddled into the balnkets and looking expectingly at Ryan.

"Do you want clothes?"

"No, and nither do you"

It took Ryan a second but he understood and pulled off his socks, then his jeans. His boxers and shirt too, making a pile on the floor. He crawled into bed and pulled Brendon close, "You're cold."

Brendon just laughed, wrapping himself around Ryan more.

Ryan let of a breath that sounded like a laughed and held Brendon closer, he was in a good mood for the first time that day.

Kill me, this is so bad

Noodle told me not to publish this yet but too fucking bad. Also please tell Noodle this is great!
~ Emily

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