Staying innocent

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So as usual I tried ignoring him. I was Being all casual like I'm not looking for him Or like I been waiting for him this whole time. I always tried to ignore him because if I don't, I won't be able to stop looking at him. He's perfect, amazing, so different from anyone I've ever met.Tthe whole bus ride, you know, we are just in the bus and he's talking to some people I know but I'm all the way in the back, so I just waited until we were almost to our bus Stop to go in the front and talk to him, when everybody already left and there was room for me to go up their. Suddenly, he sees his friend who is like across from me. They start talking so, I tried to not look at him and keep myself from getting a heart attack because he was so close. I became tired so I rested my head on my bag which was right on my stomach. I feel him coming towards me. I was right, because when I lifted my chin up, he comes over. I was sitting in front of a railing type of thing that blocks the back doors of the bus from hitting people. He rests his head on the railing and Our foreheads almost touched. Of course, I backed away, alittle. We were looking at Each other in the eyes which felt like forever but was actually just a few seconds. After a few seconds of staring he asked "so how's life? " and I was surprised he asked. I told him I was just tired. Thinking he just asked to be nice I didn't really tell him anything. But, turns out he actually did care. He starts asking me things like "anything new?" Or "how's school?", "You okay?" And I'm just like... this is so sweet. He actually listened to me! usually people ask and don't actually listen or want to know anything. I decided to ask him the same questions. Then he says "I'm much better now. More happy" I got confused and asked "what do you mean?" And he was gonna tell me but then he looked sad so I said, "it's fine if you don't want to talk about deep things, even tho I find them interesting". He said "well, yeah, I don't want to be a downer." I said "it's fine". Then I ask "anything new with you?" He says "well... Got a girlfriend" that hurt me a little but he didn't look happy and he looked kind of sad when he said that. Like she wasn't important. Then he says "I'm also not doing that good with my grades. Not on my game" That was pretty shocking coming from him. I then said quietly as I shook my head, looking down at my hand resting on my bag, "same, especially with Spanish." He jumps up. He says "oh my gosh! Yes! Spanish is my worst right now! I don't get it!" He was smiling. I love that smile. I said "wow really?!, what did you get?" He said he got a 70. That was also my grade! He seemed shock when I told him that. Well, we were both surprised because we both always get 90's, when we were in the same classes. But we aren't anymore. I found that interesting. Both failing when not in the same class... But what ever. I just ignored it. We had nothing else to talk about. So, after an awkward silence, I asked him how he knew my friends, the one he was talking to earlier and he said he just started talking to them. I nodded and looked out the window. He then taped my shoulder and says "you see those guys ?" and I say "no, what about them?" he said "I don't want you talking to them or knowing them" and then one of the guys over heard him and tell me their name and ask me what I want to be when I grow up and I was just like confused. But I told him I wanted to be a singer, which was true. I looked over to shane and say "okay you tell me not to know them and yet it's like you're introducing me to them..." We all started laughing. he just realized what he was doing and said "haha yeah I know right?! hey guys stop talking to him!" Then blocks them away from me so I wouldn't see them. They say "alright, alright man!" They all laugh. Everything was going great. He sits down next to me and then I asked him "why do you not want me to know them?" While smiling to him. He smiled back and he says "because I want you to stay innocent". I said " oh my gosh everybody is telling me that today!" and it's true everybody was. He said "oh really why ?". I told him "because they were saying something dirty and I didn't know what it meant". I told him what the dirty word was and then he laughed and was shocked. He looked at me and said "awww you're so innocent, stay that was okay?" He looked at me in the eyes and smiled. I said"okay" On the way to the front of the bus, he bumped into me, I said sorry and he said "it's okay "and I said "okay bye" waking out of the bus and away from each other, I couldn't help but blush and start humming to myself while crossing the street. He shouts for my name. I turned around to see him running across the street. He give me a hug. I was really confused. I release the hug and look at him. Out of nowhere, he runs away. I ignored that strange moment and went home. Walking to the front of my door, I take out my keys from the side pocket of my bag. There was a note in the pocket you usually out your water bottle in. I took it out and unfolded it. It was from shane.

"I like you. My girlfriend is a cover up. Call me?" 917-654-3708


I ran to my room and call him right away. Ignoring my parents who were watching tv. It was a voice message. All I said was "I like you, meet me tomorrow at the front of the school for a special gift ;)"


Hope you guys liked this chapter tho! <333


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