Chapter 5

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When the bell rang for to go to next hour. Jaz went in to check on me.

"Kat . . . . where are you? I thought you would have been back in the cafeteria before the bell rang . . . . Kat

She didnt find me, all she found was my phone laying on the ground playing my favorite Dukes episode, double dukes.

"Kat . . . . Where are you?!"

She turned off the episode of the dukes that was playing, then turned off my phone, put it in my purse then in my locker. She had to tell the teachers that I left early that i wasnt feeling good, so there was no suspicion. When I got pulled threw, it was weird, I got to hazzard no one was around that was talking to me threw the episode I was watching. Neither daisy, or uncle jesse I was all alone.

Time Travel: Dukes VersionWhere stories live. Discover now