A Dangerous Encounter

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Light filtered through your window as the morning suns began to rise. You rolled over onto your back as you began to open your eyes, silently cursing your planet for haveing two suns. It made sleeping in any longer impossible.

You threw off your sheets and sat up with a yawn, stretching out your arms as you rose to your feet to get ready for today. You got dressed and fixed your bed head before heading down to your kitchen to get yourself some breakfast. Your house wasn't very big, but when your living alone, it gets the job done.

After eating your eggs and some bacon, you cleaned up your dishes and put them away in the cupboards.  You noticed you were running low on a few things, and you'd need to go to the market to get some more.

The market wasn't exactly your favorite place. There's always too many people busling around, and way to many low lives hanging about. Why did your planet seem to attract so many merchants?

But, it's nothing you can do anything about. It's just something you have to deal with. You grabed a few bags along with your money pouch and headed out the door.

It was only a fifteen minute walk before you entered the busy streets of the market. Aliens of different races, sizes, and colors where crowding around booths filled with different merchandise. Some sold clothes, others sold jewelry, and others sold things you've never even seen before. None of those things peaked your interests though as you continued on your way. You stopped a number of times. Buying different fruits, vegetables, meats and other things.

Taking a bite out of an apple you had just bought, you where about to head home when something out of the corner of your eye caught your attention.

There was a group of people crowded around a number of posters on the wall. Being quite curious in nature, you decided to walk over to see what the big deal was. Apon further inspection, you noticed that they where looking at Wanted Posters. Some where from this planet, other's where inter galactic. You just skimmed over them all before one of them caught your eye.

It was a poster man with strange spikey hair and an evil look in his eye's. He was wanted Dead or Alive for mass genocide and high theft.

"It's just another space pirate." You thought to yourself. You tend to just ignore criminals like this since the probability of one of them stopping at a back water planet like this was very unlikely.

You just shrugged it off and took another bite out of your apple as left to go about your business.

You didn't get very far before an explosion sounded off.

You quickly turned around to see smoke bellowing into the sky a few blocks down. A building was destroyed and in flames, and people where set in a panic. A few seconds later and another explosion happened down the street in the opposite direction. Then another, and another.

It was almost as if something was trying to box you all into one big area.

Amidst the panic and the destruction, every one, including you, failed to notice a figure in a white cloke floating above. That is, untill he made himself known.

"Greetings inhabitants of planet Kelper!" He calls out, grabbing yours and every one else's attention. "You are to relieve yourselves of any valuables you posses! If you do not comply well ... allow this to serve as an example!" He says, and raises his hand and snaps his fingers.

Imediently an energy ball is fired down in your direction and strikes down someone who was standing next to you, causing you to scream out in surprise and jump back. What was left of the person they killed was a charred corpse with some smoke rising from the body.

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