A Lonely Past

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You rolled over onto your side as you slowly began to open your eye's. You sat up and rubbed the back of your neck. It felt sore. Probably because you only had a small pillow to sleep on.

You got up and noticed that there was a tray of food on the floor for you. You reach down and picked it up and sat back down on your bed. There were a few pancakes and a muffin. You picked up the muffin and took a bite. Imediently your face twists in disgust and you spit it out. It was bitter, and strangely mushy. The pancakes were the same.

You quickly discarded the tray and got back up. Luckily, whoever dropped off the horrible breakfast left the door unlocked. You opened the door and walked out, making your way to the main deck. Walking in you notice the crew hard at work and Turles lounging in his seat. He looks over to you when you enter.

"Nice of you to join us today, Y/N." He says.


"My, isn't someone grouchy today. Sleep well?"


He only chuckles.

"Your breakfast was disgusting by the way."

"Well, I guess you'll just have to get used to it. Unless you'd like to cook for us?"

"Ha! As if."

"I don't appreciate your tone today, Y/N."

"Get used to it."

"Your lucky you've caught me in a good mood. We'll be arriving at Earth in a few minutes. I suggest you relax."

"What's so important about this Earth place anyways?"

"Let's say we're going to pay it a small visit."

"Visit? You .... you don't plan to do the same thing you did to my planet, are you?"

He gives you a small grin. "We'll aren't you a smart one."

"Why ...?"

"I've already told you why. Because I can."

"But what's your motive?"

"What have I told you about asking to many questions?" He says, shooting you a glare. Your obviously starting to get on his nerves, and that look he's giving you makes you finnaly shut up.

Turles looks away from you to up ahead. You follow his gaze. Out the window you see a beautiful blue and green planet with white clouds swirling around. Through the corner of your eye's you see Turles grin widely. "We're here." He says, rising from his seat. "Stop here. This is close enough. We'll transport down from here."

"Wait ... your not going to land on it?" You ask.

"And risk you escaping? No, I don't think so."

You huff as he smirks at you. "Get the transporter ready." He orders, and the crew complys. One pushes a few buttons and a panel in the floor opens up and a blue teleporter pad opens up. The crew steps on as well as Turles.

"Try not to get into trouble while we're gone. Oh, and clean up the cafeteria while we're gone." Turles says, and the next thing you know he's gone along with the crew.

You only groan. "Asshole!" You yell out. You absolutely hated him bossing you around. And the worse part about it was that you couldn't stand up to him. He was far more powerful then you were.

You ran your hand through your h/c hair as you walked out the main deck. You made your way to the cafeteria and opened the door. You where greeted with a room at had food splattered on the walls and floor, and the dinning table was over turned. You only growled and kicked the wall. "You have to be kidding me!! I just cleaned this room yesterday!! Those f*****g slobs!!"

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