Strangers No More

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There was only one thing you could think about at this very moment.


You were absolutely starveing. You had no choice but to skip breakfast, and it was undoubtedly past lunch time. Pluse, you barley ate anything the day before.

After leaving Turles's room, you made your way to the kitchen and opened the door. The room you were greeted with had pots and pans lying everywhere that were filthy, and the stove and oven were covered in food stains. Seriously, do pirate's care NOTHING about keeping things clean!?

Maybe this explains why the food was terrible.

You huffed and picked up a pan that was laying on the floor and brought it over to a sink. Thank god they knew what soap was at least. Once the pan was clean you wiped off one of the burners on the stove and placed the pan on it. You turned the burner on to pree heat it and went over to, what you guessed was, the fridge and opened it to look inside. What you saw was mostly meat. A few fruits, but no vegetables.

You pulled out a smaller steak and placed it onto your pan and began to cook it. It took what felt like forever, but you finnaly got it cooked through all the way.

Suddenly the door opens and Turles walks in, still top-less and using the walls for support.

"T-turles! What are you doing in here?! Your supposed to be resting!" You yell at him. He must be out of his mind.

"Im not fragile, I can heal much faster then you think. Now what smells delicious? Im starved." He says, before his eyes land on your steak in the pan and he reaches over for it.

Before he could do anything you quickly slap his hand away with the spatula you where useing. You glare up at him. "Touch my food and you die."

Turles only laughs at your attempt to sound threatening. "You? Kill me? You wouldn't even be able to lay a scratch." He says with a chuckle.

"Well maybe with you all beaten up I'd be able to stand more of a chance!"

"Even when im injured I could still break you like a toothpick."

"Look, whatever, just don't even think about stealing my food!"

"Too late."

"You are such an ass!"

He chuckles. And faster then you could react he swiped your steak right from the pan. "Here's a lesson for you. When I want something, I simply take it."

You growl at him and reach up for the steak he stole. "Give it back!!"

He holds it high above your head, he was considerably taller then you were. And no amount of jumping was getting you any closer. He put his hand on your face and pushed you back as he lowered the steak to his mouth and took a big bite out of it. "Not bad. Better then what I usually have to eat." He says with his mouth full.

With one more bite he's finished the entire slab of meat.

You clench your fists as you growl at him. If you weren't so pissed, you'd wonder more on how he was able to eat the whole thing in two bites.

So you threw the spatula at his face while yelling "I should have never helped you!!" And stormed out of the room.

Turles was left unfased by the spatula, and even more so by what you just said. He could care less.

Or, he could care about it a tiny bit.

He grabbed an apple and left the room, following your loud and angery ranting to find you passing back and forth in the main deck.

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