the cast

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m a i n  c a s t


- looks like: Astrid Berges-Frisbey

- age: 17

- height: 5'5"

- physical appearance: thin, bird-like; very angular heart-shaped face with freckles; wide lips

- style: casual, slightly tomboy-ish; jeans/leggings; loose tops and sweaters; ankle boots and keds; always wears her mother's pearl earrings and one of her necklaces

- hobbies/interests: photography, theatre, poetry/writing, reading

- defining gestures/movements: fidgets with jewelry and/or bites lips to the point of blood when nervous; slouches constantly

- pet peeves: societal flaws; ignorant people; fakeness; people who seem to have everything; crappy writing and/or contrived drama; bad coffee; people who make excuses for her parents' death (e.g. God has a plan for them)

- quirks/eccentricities: doodles on anything when bored; loves tea; dependent on coffee in morning; very tactile with those she's comfortable with; almost always late; can't eat in front of strangers or while others are watching; speaks French

- fears/phobias: metathesiophobia (fear of change); fear of hurting others; fear of opening up and making things worse; fear of losing everyone

- fondest memory: her parents and her laughing in the bed of their old pickup truck, eating ice cream  

- insecurities/guilts: eating disorder; guilt over losing her parents


- looks like: Andreas Sandby

- age: 17

- height: 6'1"

- physical appearance: lean but muscular; square face; strong shoulders; birthmark on right side of neck; small scar over right eyebrow from cleating accident

- style: simple but slightly punk and nerdy; jeans, converse, graphic/band t-shirts and flannels

- hobbies/interests: coding, designing websites/HTML things, watching movies, reading  

- defining gestures/movements: fidgety; cannot stay still for long periods of time unless "in the zone";  cracks knuckles/back/neck, taps foot when nervous

- pet peeves: people who stop in the middle of the hallway; people who don't consider others; people who cut in lines; people who watch the movies instead of reading the books

- quirks/eccentricities: can quote almost any movie; knows a lot of useless trivia; corrects others' grammar; whistles a lot; occasionally speaks archaically; almost always punctual

- fears/phobias: not being able to help/save someone he loves. 

- fondest memory: playing with Arielle when he was younger

- insecurities/guilts: that he's not living up to his parents' standards; his diabetes (hates the extra attention he gets for it)

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