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It is a largely known fact that caffeine is highly addictive, as to why coffee shops and other various coffee products are popular. And why the door of this particular coffee shops continues to open and close making the bell above it ring and a few of the customers head turns toward the sound. And why the shop's baker keeps replenishing the pastry display with more treats so the customers can have more options. And why the shop employees have been brewing coffee before it even opened at eight. And why there's a reasonably long line by the counter on this lovely Wednesday morning while the people on the line quietly waits for their turn.

Well, some were.

"Just choose one already!" the man who was behind the old lady said. He looked like a business man, his thick salt and pepper hair combed and gelled to the side, his mustache perfectly straight. The old lady just looked at him, eyes wide with slight surprise and focused her attention back on the display.

"Wait for your turn, okay?" the capped employee on the counter snarkly said to the businessman looking guy. The man just bit his lips and eyed the guy on the counter. "Now, what was it you wanted again ma'am?" he said, focusing again to the old lady. The old lady took a couple of more seconds than needed to choose what she wanted on the display just to spite the businesslike man. The man just let out a sound of protest and rolled his eyes but both the old lady and the cashier guy paid no mind to him.

She was behind the businesslike man, her index finger tapping idly on her yellow satchel that was slung over her shoulder. Curious, she stood on her toes to look over the tall businessman's shoulder and spotted the old lady, satisfied with what she saw she set her feet flat on the ground again and adjusted her glasses.

When the old lady had finally made her choice, she took out her purse and paid for her order then she placed her pursed back in her bag and stepped out of the line and the business looking guy let out a sigh of relief. The cashier guy just let out a brief "Next" and the man grunted his order and the cashier guy asked whether he wanted anything else without giving him a smile or a look and just punched in his order. The businessman seemed not to care and said no and paid for his order while the cashier guy told him that his order would be given to him shortly. The businesslike guy then stepped out of the line and she was next.

"Hello," the cahier guy said to her, now having a bright smile on his face. "What can I get for you?"

She already knows what she wanted, and not wanting to to make the people behind her wait any longer she said it hurriedly her words muffling a little. "One medium mocha latte and a brownie, please."

"Would there be anything else?" the cashier guy asked her, the patient smile still on his face.

She bit her lip and contemplated about it while the guy at the counter patiently waits for her reply.

"Could you add one more brownie, please?" she said making up her mind.

"No problem." He then told her her bill which she then paid for and that her order will be given to her shortly.

She then proceeded to walk towards the round table that was placed besides the wide glass window. This was her usual spot. She liked it. Even though the shop seemed to be brimming with people from time to time, her spot was always vacant. It makes her wonder if one of the shop's employees was reserving this spot just for her until she comes and takes it.

As she was looking outside the wide window at people walking on the side walk, one kid who was walking by saw her and gave her a wave and a cheery gapped smile. She returned it with her own wide smile. A female employee then came up to her.

"Are you Lindsey?" she asked, looking at a piece of paper that was probably the receipt.

"Yeah," Lindsey answered. The employee then gave her her receipt and placed her drink and brownies down her table.

"Thank you," she said softly before the employee left. She then takes a bite from her brownie and took her book from her satchel. She shifted her body on the her sit to find a comfortable position, when she had settled, she took another bite from her brownie and place it back on the plate right next to her untouched one and leaned her head on the glass window and let out a satisfied smile as she lifted her feet up on the purple sit.

The long line of people by the counter has lessened already, only three people by the counter patiently waiting. The shop was quiet enough, with quiet chatters and low gentle laughs. It was quiet enough to leave a small smile on her face as she reads her book.

Well, twenty minutes ago was.

Why are they so freaking loud?

Lindsey thought to herself, covering her hands on her ears, an attempt to block the noise from penetrating through while she tries to read her book, shifting a little in her seat.

"Hahahaha!!" It was no use. She tries to press her hands harder against her ears, hoping it would work this time. Her elbows holding the book down by the edge so it would not close by itself or so the pages wouldn't change.

"No way! Seriously, dude?" It was no use, even though her hands were pressed on both sides of her head with great pressure that was giving her a headache.

The group was only two tables away from her right talking loudly as ever. Even though they seemed to be huddled together around their table as if they were talking privately, but to her it seemed that their conversation wasn't meant to be private because they were saying each of their sentences with an exclamation mark (or multiple exclamation marks more like it) at the end of each of it, as if they wanted everything they said to be heard by the entire staff. But the staff didn't really seem to care enough as much as she did and the other customers just looked at them crossly every time they burst in to laughter (which is almost always), disturbing the peace the shop had earlier before they came.

Lindsey lets out a grunt, a loose strand of hair falling on the side of her face, she tucks it behind her ear and closes her book and placed it back again inside her yellow satchel as a sign of giving up. She adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose and took one last sip of her drink. Her brownies has long gone vanish, only a few dark brown crumbs on the small white plate were left, where the brownies used to lie were the only proof that she had them. She sends the group a glare that they didn't even see (none of them were even aware that she was there), and stood up and made her way to the bathroom.

As Lindsey made her way towards the comfort room she bumped into someone. Quickly regaining her balance before falling on the floor, she adjusted her glasses and took a look of the person she bumped in to. But before she uttered an apology that her lips were forming the guy she bumped spoke.

"Watch it," he said sternly, looking down at her then walked away not giving Lindsey a chance to answer back.

As the guy walked away Lindsey recognize him as one of the people from the Loud Table.

"Jerk face," Lindsey muttered to herself, her eyes forming in to slits as it followed Jerk Face enter the man's restroom.

Inside the small ladies room, Lindsey took a look at her reflection on the small rectangular mirror with flowers on its edge. She fixed her bangs then her whole hair, including the strand that she tucked behind her ear earlier. She debated with herself on whether or not to put on some lipstick, after much thought she decided not to since it was too much work, she isn't really headed somewhere nice.

She left the comfort room and when she passed the loud table she threw them one more glance and left the shop.

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