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Outside the shop the sun was still up, shining brightly and giving heat on this pleasant summer day. Classes will be back next Monday and Lindsey was dreading it along side other students. On the bright side though, Lindsey will be a senior this coming school year and she couldn't wait to graduate even though she's still pretty undecided what course she would take for college. But she's hoping that it will just come to her.

As she pauses for a while to look at the brightly lit sun, a smile once again appeared on her face. She continue on her way again, her walk having a little lightness to it because despite the heat it was such a nice weather and she felt like she needed to enjoy this last few days of fleeting freedom before school starts again.


As he enters the men's restroom, he can't help but think about the girl he just bumped into.

What a weirdo.

He thought to himself, remembering her chunky glasses then he decided to just shrug the taught away.


Lindsey is torn.

She does not know which one she should buy.

She's currently inside the sweet air conditioned record store holding the latest album by the Arctic Monkeys. Standing in between isles of albums. She's standing in front of the new release stand. At the back of the record store was where they kept the vinyls and a few band posters and sheet music and a couple of music magazines. At the front, was where a large metallic bin was placed filled with haphazardly placed CD albums and cassette tapes that were on sale.

The record store is just next door to the bookstore, which Lindsey was just in, leafing through a book she's considering buying. But before she went to the bookstore's counter and buys the book she told herself that she would just check out the record store next door.

Now, she finds herself in this situation.

She is holding the black album with a white audio wavelike design on it, looking at it intently as if she was trying to figure out what it is. She bites her lower lip in concentration and furrows her brows. Her index finger starts to tap the side of the album unconsciously.

Dangit, I knew I shouldn't have bought that extra browny.

She thought to herself as she continue to stare at the album.

She didn't bring enough money, so now she only has enough to buy one. She really likes Arctic Monkeys, they're one of her favourite bands. Humbug is her favourite album by them and she thinks the soundtrack of Submarine is excellent just because it was written by Alex Turner. Then she thinks about the book. She hasn't heard about the author but the story seems good.

It was about a mother trying to help her daughter overcome a situation where the daughter accidentally kills somebody whilst driving. As the mother tries to help her daughter overcome the tragedy the daughter seems to disconnect herself from the world and to her mother.

She continues to stare at the album but now she was biting her fingernails. She tends to do this unconsciously when she's contemplating deeply. As of now she's contemplating on which item to buy as if her entire future depends on it.

Somebody else enters the record shop, but Lindsey pays no attention to whoever it is, all her attention seems to be focus on the Arctic Monkeys' album.


"Has she been here for a while?" the guy asked, bending over the counter to put his bag on the shelf under it.

"I don't know man. She's been staring at that album for over ten minutes now or something. I think she might be a shoplifter," the guy said from the counter, taking his eyes off from the magazine he was leafing through to look at the girl. He was wearing a flannel shirt and under it was a "this too shall pass" black t-shirt.

"Nah, she's no shoplifter," the guy said to him, straightening up.

"How would you know?" The guy by the counter asked incredulously.

"She's a regular at the caffe," he answered, a small smile appearing on his face as he continues to look at the girl. The guy at the counter just shrugs his shoulder and continued to look at his magazine.

He then proceeded to walk towards the girl. "Cool, the Arctic Monkeys," he said when he had approached her.

"What?" she said, looking around to find where the voice came from. "Oh. Hey! You're the counter guy from the coffee shop," she said, recognizing him.

"Yeah..." he said to her, rubbing the back of his neck and looking at his shoes. "You're a fan of Arctic Monkeys?" he asked her.

She then proceeded to look again at the album then back at him.

"Yeah, I suppose so..." she answered, seeming unsure.

"What's that suppose to mean?" He asked with a small laugh on his tone.

"I mean I do like them, but you know there's like this douchey people who questions you when you say your a fan and then when can't prove you're a 'true fan'- whatever that means- they start getting pissed off for it," she said, moving her hands in mid air as she spoke.

"Do you think I'm one of those douchey people?" he asked, using her words.

"I don't know. Are you?" She asked shyly.

"As a matter of fact, I am," he said lying to her just for fun. Then seeing her seeming shocked wide eyed face, he decided that it was worth it, he then proceeded to tell her the truth, "Nah, I was just messing with you. I'm not really one of those people. I, however happen to like the Arctic Monkeys, too," he said gesturing to the album she was holding.

"You do like them, right?" he asked her just to make sure.

"Yeah, I do like them," she answered smiling at the album, then added inside her brain, A lot.

"I'm Luis," he said bending down a little to take a look at her face.

"Huh?" she said, obviously not paying attention to him. it was unintentional though, she often finds herself lost in her own mind.

"I'm- my name's Luis," he repeated introducing himself, he then held out his hand for her to shake.

"Oh, I'm Lindsey," she said, taking his hand.

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