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"Mmmmhhhmmm..." Lindsey groaned as her alarm went off. 


"Lindsey! Wake up it's already five-thirty!" Her mom yelled from down stairs along side her alarm.

"Uuuuugh," Lindsey groaned again, rolling to her side to shut her alarm off. 

"LINDSEY!" her mom yelled again, a voice loud enough to wake up even the neighbors. 

Lindsey then sat up from her bed and set her bare feet on the hard wood floor. When she felt like she had her bearings, she picked up her glasses by her bedside table and left her room to join her mom down stairs. 

"Hurry up, don't you have this morning ceremony at your school at six-forty five?" Lindsey's mom immediately said to her the moment she set her foot in the kitchen. 

Today's the first day of school and Lindsey's school has this thing of having a morning ceremony really early in the morning were the principal, vice-principal and other school officials give a speech to welcome the new school year. 

"Yeah," Lindsey murmured, rubbing her eyes and putting her glasses on and setting her self on a chair by the table. 

"Well hurry up. Your dad's already getting ready– you know he's not going to wait up for you," Lindsey's mom nagged, setting the empty plates in the sink and washing it. 

"Yeah, yeah, sure," Lindsey said, not really paying attention. She stabbed her fork on a sausage instead and took a slow bite from it. 


"Lindsey hurry up! Your dad's about to leave!" her mom yelled, holding the banister and tapping her foot impatiently. 

"Honey, calm down it's only–" Lindsey's dad said, looking at his watch to check the time. "Oh, my." Clearly he was attempting to calm his wife at first but the last two words sent Lindsey's mom into a more flustered state. 

"What?" Lindsey's mom said, turning her head around to look at the clock that was hanged on the wall.

The clock showed that it was already 6:12 am, and with this information Lindsey's mom's eyes widen. 

"I'm done, I'm done– sorry," Lindsey said hurriedly, sprinting down the stairs, her bag slung over her shoulder just as about her mom was about to climb the stairs to get Lindsey herself. 

"Hurry now, or you'll be late," her dad said ushering her out the door. 

Lindsey's mom then followed them out, giving them each a peck on the cheek and telling them both to take care and have a good day. But something inside Lindsey tells her that it won't be a good day. 

Outside, the sun was just starting to rise, the warm summer air still hung with a bit of coolness mix in with it. 

nonbelieversTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon