Luring of the Inventor and the Swordswomen Part 1

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(Theme of this chapter: Brave New World by Iron Maiden)

Bloodstains, black ashes mixing with snowflakes and a corpse that grins at me every time I look at the tombstone. The three things I regret that affected who I am.

I looked at my hands and set them down on my desk. After goofing around, I looked for my helpers. "Flame! Water! Hurricane! Land! Infinity!" I shouted to the air and five creatures came to me. A fox, a turtle, an eagle, a cheetah and a dragon, all at different sizes.

"Turn please." I commanded them as they turn into several things. The fox became a ring, the turtle, a key. The eagle split and became green shoes. The cheetah became synthetic gloves that can also turn into lenses and finally, The dragon turned into a crystal backpack.

(Author Note: Scott's backpack Infinity doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Project: Infinity.)

I put on the shoes and slipped the red ring onto my ring finger. I changed the synthetic gloves into their lenses form and put them on my eyes. I dropped the key in the backpack and started working on my next project.                               

"Creating... is something that only God can do. But God itself can give it to make miracles. I am one of it's users. Or maybe...I am God. I will soon take control of time and space...just you wait." A horrible grin appeared on my face, a crow's call soon came out of my lips as a cackle. I looked at the left of the desk to find my doll-box. I twisted the little crank on it's right and the box opened. A little ballerina was dancing on top of it to the haunting song. I shook my hands around to the rhythm and turned around. I looked at the computer infront of me as I got an idea.

"Water, Flame, swap please." The command I spoke swapped the forms of the ring and the blue key. The red ring became a blue ring with a different use, and the blue key turned into a red USB. I bent down to grab the USB out of Infinity and plugged it into the computer. The USB started downloading codes as I was crafting the supplies. Suddenly, the crafted piece exploded in my face.

"BOLLOCKS!" I shouted to myself as I threw the gloves I used for protection. I soon heard two ticks. I looked to the door which was behind the desk. A box was there and the second tick's reason slid to my desk. Some mail. I stood up from my chair and slowly walked to the box. I crouched down and grabbed the box, then returned to my desk and put the box on top of the desk.

"What did the neighbours give me today?" I sighed, asking to myself and opened the box. I was disappointed.

"Fish and chips? How stereotypical." I mumbled myself and grabbed the fork in the box. As I stabbed the fish with the fork, I remembered the other mail. I looked around to find it and pulled it to myself from the junk. I opened it as I saw an invitation card. "Water. Flame. Swap please." The command I created swapped the forms of the ring and the blue key. The red ring became a blue ring with a different use. And the blue key turned into a red USB. I bent down to grab the USB out of Infinity and plugged it into the computer. The USB started downloading codes as I was crafting the supplies. Suddenly, the crafted piece exploded in my face.

"An invention fair in Los Angeles? Coordinates are please." My computer understood the command and showed me where it was.

"Suspicious... but worth it." I thought to myself. Oh boy, I was so wrong. I shook the envelope it came it to see if anything else was in it. There was an e-ticket for me. I didn't need it anyways...they didn't know who I was. I grinned again and laughed hysterically as my phone vibrated. A doll-box tune followed the vibration and I grabbed my phone. I searched what was the reason and I saw a group that I was added into. I checked the three other people. And no admins were there. Weird. I opened the app I developed for myself to indicate where the others in the group were. Arkansas, Hollywood and...Unknown? I developed the app for the world.

"How is it unknown?" I said to myself and decided to text.

"Hello. Anyone there?" I texted and waited for a response. Then I got a notification. The person from Arkansas responded.

"Hello? I'm here. Who are you?" I read the text and chuckled. I guessed she was the real admin or she was really confused.

"My name is 5C077 PR35C077. Do you know why we're added with 2 other people? Maybe because of the mail I got today. Did you get it too?"  I asked to her and sighed. I looked down to my desk. It was a bit messy. The materials were all over the place and because of it, the keyboard couldn't be reached. The door was infront of the desk with 1 meter of space in between. My bed was next to my desk and the space that was empty is now full of mechanical parts.

"Nice spelling of Scott Prescott. I'm Rory and I did get some mail today. To Los Angeles, right?" I saw the pattern. The mail that they sent was the reason the group was created. I sighed in relief and flipped the invitation card in my hand.

"Yes. Tomorrow, we can meet in Los Angeles, R0RY."

"It's Aurora Barnes actually."

"Then see you later, 4UR0R4 84RN35. Scott out." I closed the phone and put it on the desk. I checked the watch and saw it was midnight. I would've gone farther into my project but since the project had already blown up in my face at least 5 times today, I was pretty tired. I jumped to my cozy bed from my chair and put my head on the pillow, not cloaking myself with the blanket. I soon closed my eyes to the sweet sweet tune of the doll-box song...

To be continued in Part 2...

Project: InfinityWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt