The Luring of the Inventor and the Swordswoman Part 2

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The card had a virus. It infected me. I see...a temple. Ones and zeros roaming around. A big portal. Not mine. 4 people. Their faces slowly got revealed. I was one of them. I didn't know the rest of them. WAKE UP!

I woke up and jumped up from my bed because neighbours broke into my house after they heard shoutings. But it was just me seeing a different  nightmare. It wasn't a funeral. It was...a simulation. Why did I see a different nightmare all of a sudden? Did the invitation card really had a computer virus? I never knew.

After the neighbours left, I stood up and saw my helpers sleeping. They were sleeping like...shape-shifting stuff? Wait no. They are shape-shifting stuff. Oops?

I heard some ticks and looked at the time. They were 7 AM mails. The cargo would come earlier to me for no reason and hand out my mails at 7 AM. The mails came to my desk and I quickly looked at all of then.

"Signs...project materials and lastly, dad. Wait what? Dad?" I asked to myself. Why would my father ever send me a mail? Restraining order? Maybe the paper that says I am not their child now? OH, maybe they sent me some money to get the fuck out of their lives. Maybe. But it wasn't anything like those. I slowly opened the mail because I didn't want to see what was in it. I closed my eyes, took a deep breathe and opened the little white mail. I unfolded what was inside of it and a tear fell from my cheek.

"I love you guys too. Even if you don't mean it." I put the mail to my chest, indicating I will protect this with my heart. I then slowly dropped it to my bag. I scanned the desk with my eyes and saw the e-ticket.

"I need to get ready." I ran to my wardrobe and put all of my stuff to my baggage. It is still not filled. Well, whatever. I took off my clothes and went into the shower. I opened the cold water and started to take one. I closed my eyes in the cold water and saw some images. A knife. A sword. A gun. A wrench. A murderer. A swordswomen. A thug. An inventor. I opened my eyes to the sweet scent of lavender.

After having shower, I wore my clothes and dried my hair. I grabbed my baggage and looked at the door.

"Land. Gloves please." My lenses came out and they unfolded in air to become synthetic gloves. I looked at my hands and clenched my fists.

"Let's do this." I told myself and moved my hands in the air to do a big circle. I pressed the middle of it and it became a portal. I walked into it. After I got out, I scanned the place. WC. I opened the door and walked out of the toilet. I arrived where I wanted to.
Los Angeles Airport. I opened my phone and saw no texts. 

"Hello 4UR0R4. I am at the Los Angeles Airport. The flight was later but the flight list changed so I had to go earlier. But I am here now! I am waiting for you in the airport."

"Hi ^^! I am in the airport right now."

"Which one? Arkansas or Los Angeles?"

"I live in Arkansas and I am at Arkansas airport...but how did you know?" Fuck.

"Busted. I developed an app for tracing people. When I got added to the group, I opened it. And I saw Arkansas, Hollywood and Unknown. I don't know about Unknown but whatever. I will be waiting." I closed the group and unzipped my backpack to grab my modified -by me- 3DS. I zipped the backpack and opened it. I started playing Overwatch in 3DS while waiting.

After 1 or 2 hours of waiting, I got a text. It was from her.

"I landed. Where are you?"

"I saw you. Come to the benches."

I put my phone in my pocket and saw her. Long red hair. Blue/Gray-ish eyes. Slim, tall, has the body of a warrior. I stood up and I waved at her. She ran to me with her baggage.

"Hello there, mistress!" I bowed down to her in an overwhelming British accent.

"Please don't call me Mistress, it is weird!" She chuckled and looked at me, she scanned me for a second.

"So..should we go to the fair?"

"What fair? We have to go to a competition."

"Competition of what?" We both seemed to be confused. I was saying about the invention fair.

"Competition of swords!" She told excitedly.

"Wait. Did you card really tell that? Mine said invention fair. Can you give me the card?" I asked for it and she handed me the card. I looked at both our cards.

"They are exact same, but details are different. The coordinates are the same too. Should we go?" I asked her and she nodded to me. I gripped her arm and dragged her to an abandoned room. I told her to stay calm and created another portal. She gasped to the view and we walked in the portal.

We got out of the portal to get in a pitch-black room.

"HELLO?! ANYONE THERE?" I shouted and Aurora grabbed my arm and stayed by my side. After we got just the echoes of my shout, I looked at my back.

"Draco. Lights please." The backpack dropped and became a medium-sized dragon, it opened it's mouth and light came out of it's mouth. Then, the lights turned on and I fell down. I got up again and looked around. It was a pitch-black room. Now everything is white. She stopped grabbing my hand and Draco turned into a crystal backpack.

"Hello there, Scott Prescott and Aurora Barnes. My name is Ivana. Ivana Tchaikovsky. I know you are mad at me because I gave false mails but the reason is more important. Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. You are my...helpers on my utopia. Project: Infinity. It is my utopia which has six different islands and if you want to get out of this have to open Island 6. Or as I call, the Final Showtime. You will have 4 people, and 3 of you will get out...unless you can do something special. You will have to find it yourselves. If you can do it, all 4 will get out. Since you are just two, I won't allow you to access Island 6. And I don't think it is possible. Because you have to find codes in the previous island. So you know it now. Be ready. Now." Ivana's words activated the doors and three guards came. They had sleep darts in their hands.

"ARMOUR MODE PLEASE." The dragon fled on my back and a crystal chestplate unfolded on my chest. Wings and a tail came out. Claws and paws appeared and Aurora took out a sword from her bag. We started taking down the guards but they just kept coming. I fled to Aurora and hugged her while turning back to the guards, wings created a shield and I looked at her.

"Are you okay?"


"Then 3...2...1...GO!" I stopped shielding her as she ran to the guards. I fled to them and used my claws to attack. After all of the guards were down, I sighed and looked at her, she was smiling. I smiled as well and suddenly I felt tired, sleepy. I fell down to the floor and I saw her hit by the sleep dart too. She fell to the ground and we looked at each other, falling asleep after.

Blood. Shoutings. Islands. Portal. Codes. Secrets. Pain. Simulation...Life.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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