Scott Prescott: Breakdown

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This isn't a new episode. It is the revealing of Scott's personality and backstory.

Name: Scott Prescott
Age: 22
Job: Inventor
Nationality: Britain
Height: 6'0
Backstory: He was born in a strict Catholic family. He is the only child. He started building and crafting at the age of 5 when his father got him Legos. Then, he started to create big and magical stuff that a grown-up couldn't do. He had the power to create stuff. He felt like God at that exact moment when he finished his first project. Project: Excalibur. Out of the Lego's and some metal he found, he created a sword on his own. His mother took his Lego's because she thought God is the only thing that could create and she prayed for him to stop. But he didn't. His obsession was far from beyond. He created without her permission, and she tried to do whatever they needed. Change of schools, grounding, extra work etc. But it didn't make Scott stop. He was too create God. When he was 18, he found his love. A girl named Violet. Perfect brown eyes, purple hair and a great personality. They were still young, but they loved each other so much that they planned on wedding. The wedding would happen...but something out of the ordinary happened.

His uncle (who is a CATHOLIC so much) heard of him and wanted to punish him. His uncle got a gun and went to him when he was with Violet. His uncle was gonna shoot Violet. Because of his nephew's obsession with creating and feeling like God, he decided to not shoot him. He wanted to make Scott suffer for his sins. He shot Violet, she died. In her last breathes, she wanted Scott to make miracles...while smiling. She gave him her ring to him. After that, he made 5 helpers on his own. And the first helper was made with her ring. He finished college and now is a well-known inventor. He stabbed his uncle for self-defense and his uncle is in jail now.

Look: Blue hair and hazel eyes. A well-structured face and his nose is slightly going to the right. He mostly wears a red-shirt, blue pants and green shoes.

Personality: His mood changes to what happens. Sometimes, he is a goofball that wants to make everyone smile. And sometimes...he creates. He thinks he is God and goes crazy. Mostly he is seen with a wide grin and open eyes. He also has rage issues so he can act cold and calm for a second, then punch you straight in the guts 5 times in mere seconds. He likes creating, his helpers, trying, smell of lavender, snow, seas and hot chocolate. He dislikes people who challenges him, people who talk bad about his past and Violet, people who has the potential to hurt the others because of their personality, despair, cocky people.

Theme Song: It is in the audio but gonna tell anyways: Creating God by Avenged Sevenfold in 8-bit.

He has 5 helpers that he made so far. Flame, Water, Hurricane, Land and Infinity. They have different meanings and different uses.


*Flame/Fox*: **A ring that can hack.** Can turn to red shoes that gives superspeed in *Hurricane form.* Is a USB to hack in *Water form.*  Is contacts that helps him see in heat vision or gloves that can create fire in *Land form.* Is a bag that opens the claws in *Infinity form.*

*Water/Shark*: **Is a key that can open all locks.** Shoes that can make you run on water in *Hurricane mode.* Is a ring that helps telekinesis in *Flame form.* Lenses that help him see in water like water goggles and gloves that help him control water in *Land form.* Is a bag that opens the tail in *Infinity form.*

*Hurricane/Eagle*: **Shoes that makes him fly.** Is a ring that helps him to create weathers in *Flame form.* Is a syringe that can be injected to save people in *Water form.* Lenses that help him see in night-vision and gloves that help him control air in *Land form.* Is a bag that opens the wings in *Infinity form.*

*Land/Cheetah*: **Lenses that help him see better and gloves that opens portals.** A ring that can spot any objects through walls in *Flame form.* Shoes that help him stick in the ground in icy or muddy floors in *Hurricane form.*  Is a screwdriver that can open and unscrew things in *Water form.* Is a bag that opens the paws in *Infinity form.*

*Infinity/Dragon*: **Is a bag when used as Armor Form, the Dragon armor opens.**  Is a ring that helps solve any puzzles and mathematical questions in seconds in *Flame form.*  Shoes that help him bend and create new floors in *Hurricane form.* Lenses that help him see ultraviolet lights and gloves that help him use psychic attacks *in Land form.* Is a stick that can shape-shift in places in *Water form.*

His favourite song: All doll-box songs. He finds them relaxing and calming.

His opinions about himself: Disappointing. Maniac. Psychopath. Sociopath. Should be locked in jail. Loner. Weak. Dumb. Idiot. 

Talents: He can think very fast and is very creative. He has the talent to create. He can sing more than one song at the same moment because of a weird thing inside his vocal cords. 

That is pretty much Scott, one of the main protagonists of the series. See you in the next episode, "Luring of the Inventor and the Swordswoman Part 2". Bye!

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