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Yoongi groaned loudly at the sound of his alarm clock as he reached over to his bedside table to switch it off. He opened his eyes sleepily as the realisation hit him. Summer is over and another depressing school year was about to begin. The summer went by too quickly, and the only thing he can't wait to do is meet his 2 best friends.

Yoongi got out of bed after 10 minutes of thinking of the worst things that could happen this school year. He lazily walked over to the toilet, taking a quick shower before putting on a grey hoodie and a pair of black jeans.

But after 10 minutes of questioning his outfit choice, he decided that he should change into a white sweater paired with a black coat since he didn't want to look too plain on the first day of school.

"Yoongi! There's only 20 more minutes until school starts, you better come down now!" His mother shouted from the dining room. Yoongi checked the time, realising that he spent so long choosing his outfit that it's almost time for school. He quickly grabbed his bag that he packed the night before and a slice of bread before heading out the door, making his way to school.

When Yoongi finally arrived school, with 5 minutes to spare, he quickly made his way to his classroom. When suddenly, someone came rushing towards him, bumping and making him fall over. "Hey watch where you're going!" Yoongi exclaimed as he looked up, rolling his eyes when he saw the blonde boy in front of him.

"Well if it isn't Min Yoongi, the person I hate in the entire world." the boy said as Yoongi stood up. "As expected from the Park Jimin, awful and rude as always" replied Yoongi

Ignoring the remark, the pink haired boy said, "since it's you, I'm expecting a apology for bumping into me."

"Um excuse me? It's not my fault that you weren't looking at where you were going." Yoongi commented angrily as he stood up. Jimin just rolled his eyes and rudely responded, "said the one who ran into me, pay attention to where you're going next time."

Feeling fed up with the pointless argument, Yoongi pushed Jimin slightly and decided to just head off to where he was going. Unfortunately, Jimin just wasn't having it.

"Hey! Min Yoongi, you still haven't apologised yet."

Yoongi stopped walking and sighed deeply, "ugh, I really have no time for this, I'm already late for class all thanks to you."

"Once you apologise, you can go wherever you need to go" Jimin said as he walked up to Yoongi, facing him.

"For goodness sakes, are you ever tired of doing pointless things like this? Do you actually think that you're going to get an apology out of me?" The black haired boy said with a deep sigh.

"How hard is it to say a sorry? Or are you too much of a coward to admit you're wrong." Jimin answered, raising his voice slightly.

"Did you just call me a coward? How-"

"Park Jimin. Min Yoongi" a voice hollered out loud.

Jimin and Yoongi froze as they turned around to see the principal, Mr Park standing there, with his hands on his hips.

"Office. Now."

And it was at that moment that Yoongi decided that Jimin is the worst thing to happen in the upcoming school year.

So that was my first ever chapter. That was more difficult than I thought ehhh. There's going to be quite a lot of mistakes since it's my first ever fanfic but hopefully I'll improve in the future...

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