The Italian Incident (italics are Italian)

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Will POV

Nick has been helping out in the infirmary lately. Its not that I mind with the Apollo campers going out on quests lately. The only bad thing is all my siblings know I like Nico. Luckily all children of Apollo know Italian as it is the language of music.
My sister Kaylee starts up a conversion about me liking Nico in Italian.

Nico's pov

I've been helping Will out at the infirmary. One day his sister, Kaylee, I think started talking with the rest in Italian. Its my native language so of course I listen.
"So Will do you still like Nico?" Kaylee asked.

Will blushes "Do we have to bring that up? I don't want to talk about it."

"Off course we have to talk about it. So what do you like about him?" Asked another one of his siblings. I think there name was Jacob.

"Fine. I like the way he smiles. He doesn't smile often which makes it even cuter." Says Will really quietly. I look over at him and he's blushing. "He probably doesn't like me though" Will says again.

This goes on for a couple months until I'm sure Will likes me.

One day they start talking about me and I decided to let them know I can understand them. They try to talk Will into asking me out. The time was right.

"What if he doesn't like me though?" Will asks the others.

I take the shot. "You guys know I can understand you right? And Will I like you to." I say with a blush on my face.

The all stare at me. Will finally manages to say something. "H-how long h-have you been able to understand what we say?" Will says while blushing. He can hardly say his sentences correctly.

"I have always been able to understand you guys. My native tounge is Italian. I don't talk in it because it brings back bad memories."

They all have an 'o' face and then Kaylee decided that now was time to break the silence. "Well Will now you know he likes you soooo.... KISS!"

Will blushes but before he can say anything I kiss him on the cheek. The rest of the Apollo kids push us out of the infirmary. The Aphrodite cabin is collecting money from lost bets of if we would get together. Leo is running around screaming 'The Solangelo Ship Has Sailed' and I swear I heard Percy at the other side of camp screaming 'SO HE'S YOUR TYPE!'

A/n so how was it. I'm kinda new to one shots so if you have ideas message me them. Bye

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