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Nico stormed into Hades throne room. "BRING HIM BACK!!" he scream. He wanted him back.

"Bring who back?" Hades asked. He knew who his son meant, but played dumb.

"You know who! Bring Will back." Nico screams, before collapsing on the ground in tears. "Bring him back." He begged. He couldn't live without will.


Will and Nico were on a date. They sat in the strawberry fields.

"Can I braid your hair?" Will asked, more like begged, Nico.

"No." Nico said, but Will had already started. He wove flowers into the braid. Nico wouldn't admit it, but he loved it.

Will stood at the end of the date a drug Nico around to show everyone.

Then it happened. Camps barriers fell. They were attacked. The monsters immediately went after the Apollo cabin. They knew that if they killed the healers they had a chance at winning.

Will was immediately attacked. Nico couldn't kill them in time.

Will was dead in seconds. Nico didn't stay to help. He was immediately yelling at his father.


"Nico. I can't bring him back. You know that." Hades said, going to hug his son. Nico pushed him away.

"No. please. I need him. Please." Nico cried. He wouldn't be ok without Will.

Hades summoned Will's ghost.

"Nico." He cooed. "Look at me."

Nico reluctantly looked at the ghost. "Will." He sobbed.

"Nico. It was my time. Summon me whenever you want. I will always be with you." Will said, before fading away.

Nico looked at the ground and sobbed again.

He would never be the same.

He never summoned Will.

He ate less.

He stopped hanging out with people.

He went on dangerous missions.

On Will's birthday he died on a mission.

He was by Will's side immediately, afraid to ever leave him.

Solangelo one-shotsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz