Review - R02AC

18 6 3

Review for @samazingly (I hope I got the username right!)

Ask Carter

[I can't stop reading, so you can count on me reading the whole book, but for the review, I'm doing 5 chapters! P.S- the votes are complimentary, because I loved the book]


•] Right off the bat, I fell in love with the book. The first chapter (introduction) was very engrossing, and it kept you hooked. 

•] In the first chapter, some parts were a bit difficult to understand, because it felt like Matthew found the file long ago. 

•] I loved how the main character were introduced really fast, and the others were added on later, for some reason (I can't place my finger on it) it was very satisfying.

•] The characters are very well defined, and it's perfect.

•] Also, names. I am so glad that the names aren't  a) Too weird or  b) overrated. That is one of the most toughest things that a writer has to choose, and you got it! (yay! cookies for you!)

•] It was described very well. The description was so detailed, I could almost feel everything (I nearly died at the 'dead-body-bolted-to-the-ceiling' part).

•] You have a very good chance at winning the Wattys, or at least coming in the shortlist, believe me, it's awesome. 

Keep up the good work!


Payment: An honest comment on the first two chapters of 'The Tales of The Jinx-Breaker' and... say 'hello'.

Kamera Out!

Kamera Out!

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