Teen Angst (Jotaro x Kakyoin)

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"Jotaro seems really moody today doesn't he?" Joseph asked the group as they all set up their beds in the hotel room.

"Yeah he does, I mean he barely even talks to us anymore, not to mention he refuses to share a room with anyone." Polnareff noted.

"Maybe one of us should talk to him?" Avdol suggested looking to Joseph.

"Why me? We barely even know each other." Joseph countered.

"Well you are his grandfather." Polnareff said.

"Well, yeah I am, but there's not really a connection.  I think it must be the age gap, maybe-" Joseph said before he got interrupted.

"I'll do it." Kakyoin interrupted.

Everyone was silent, Kakyoin and Jotaro always did have a strange bond.

"Alright, if you think you can do it then okay, you are smart Kakyoin.  He's in his room, here's the spare key, god knows he won't let you in." Joseph said as he handed him the key.

"Thank you Mr. Joestar, I'll try my best." Kakyoin said as he walked out the door.

As he was walking to Jotaro's room all that he could think was what could possibly be bothering Jotaro. Could it be the stress of all the traveling and the fact that his mother was nearly dead, or perhaps he was worried about Dio and how strong he might be, or maybe it was as simple as him just being concerned about another stand.

Whatever it was, Kakyoin was going to do his best to cheer him up.

"Room 202, this is his." Kakyoin said.

"I'd better knock, probably best not to just surprise him." Kakyoin said as he knocked on the door a couple times.

No answer.

So he tried it again... Still, nothing.

At this point he was beginning to worry, it was unusual for Jotaro to not answer the door, especially so early, it was only about five o'clock, and Jotaro knew that they should always keep contact with each other in case a stand attacked.

Kakyoin decided that he would go in and see if he was okay, but he knew it was best to do it slowly and quietly just in case there was an enemy stand.

"Jotaro?" Kakyoin whispered as he tiptoed into Jotaro's room, slowly looking around for anything off.

Nothing so far, so he figured he'd call out to him one more time.

"Jotaro~~~" Kakyoin whispered even more anxiously, but still... Silence.

Now Kakyoin was really starting to worry, not only should Jotaro have responded, but there could easily be an enemy stand attacking him right now.

So with that Kakyoin decided to charge in and take on whatever could be happening.

"Jotar-OH!" Kakyoin yelled, he was very surprised at what he had seen.

It was Jotaro masturbating, the sight of Jotaro's dick was something Kakyoin hadn't even thought about seeing, not that he didn't want to see it, he always did think that Jotaro was a handsome boy.

Jotaro jumped, he immediately covered his dick with his underwear.

"Kayoin! What the FUCK are you doing HERE!?" Jotaro yelled in anger and annoyance.

"I- I- I was just checking up on you a- and I wanted to make sure you were okay..." Kakyoin said blushing a lot and trying to cover his eyes.

"Of course I'm okay, why the fuck wouldn't I be okay!?" Jotaro screamed.

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