Halloween Party (Jonathan x Dio)

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"Okay boys,  I hope you two will be on your best behavior today, this may be a Halloween party but I am expecting some very important and influential people here today." George said to his two 17 year old boys.

"Father, we know how to behave, after all you did train us to be true gentlemen." Jonathan said.

"Yes, and why would I, Dio, ever embarrass myself? I do have standards." Dio said assuring his father of his sons actions.

"Well okay boys, I'm just making sure, I have faith in you guys." George said.

"So Dio, what do you plan on being for tonight? It is a costume party." Jonathan said in a happy tone as they made their way upstairs to their rooms.

"Oh but a vampire of course. You know how much I love vampirism, just something about throwing away humanity always seemed interesting. What about you JoJo?" Dio asked curiously.

"Oh I was going to be a dog. Nothing too much but just some basic ears and a tail. I love dogs...I miss Danny." Jonathan said sadly.

Dio seen the sadness and just let it go. He figured it was best not to bring up the past.

Both the boys continued to their rooms and got dressed in there costumes.

Jonathan began to worry, as he remembered that there was going to be alcohol at this party, and Dio had a sort of... problem when it came to drinking too much.

The party began, the two both went there separate ways and began talking with various people.

About an hour passed and the boys found each other again and began talking.

"Hello JoJo." Dio said with alcohol on his breath.

"Dio are you drunk?" A concerned Jonathan asked.

"What? Why of course not, Jonathan I'm Dio, it'll take more than 10 drinks to get me drunk." Dio said between hiccups.

"TEN DRINKS!!!" Jonathan said shocked.

"Yes." Dio said.

"Dio, it's been an hour, how did you already have ten drinks?" Jonathan asked.

"Easy,  you just have to try enough. Say Jonathan, I like that dog costume." Dio said as he grabbed Jonathan's dog ears and threw them away.

"Dio come on, you're drunk. Follow me to bed so I can put you to sleep." Jonathan said removing the rest of his costume.

Dio didn't say anything,  he just put on a smile and followed him to his room.

Jonathan opened the door and tried to get Dio to go to bed, but he refused.

"No, I'm not ready for bed." Dio said sternly.

"At least take off that cape, you'll trip over it like nothing. " Jonathan said trying to convince his drunken brother.

Dio actually listened.  He walked in the room and began taking off his cape.  He then hatched a deviant idea.

Dio took off his cape and locked the door.

"Dio what are you doing?" Jonathan said as Dio began moving toward him removing his shirt.

"Dio what is thi-" Jonathan was cut off as Dio forced his tongue into his mouth.

Jonathan was shocked,  he didn't expect anything like this tonight.

Dio pulled away and before Jonathan knew what was happening he already was on the bed.

"Relax Jonathan,  it'll all be fine." Dio said as he stripped naked.

Jonathan was speechless. He wasn't sure what to do,  in a way he was paralyzed with fear.

"Won't get naked?  Oh fine, I only need this." Dio said rubbing Jonathan's crotch through his pants.

"Dio, why?" Jonathan managed to muster out while his bulge began to grow.

"Because I'm in the mood, and I, Dio, need something to please me,  this'll do." Dio said drunkenly as he undid Jonathan's pants and pulled his dick out.

Jonathan's cock was hard in Dio's hand, and although he didn't want to admit it,  it felt good.

"Dio can we stop?" Jonathan pleaded.

"Oh we'll make it quick,  don't worry.  I'll skip foreplay so you can be right back to that party in no time." Dio said as he climbed into Jonathan's lap.

"B-But Dio, won't that hurt?  I mean isn't it necessary?" Jonathan said scared.

"JoJo,  I'm drunk.  It won't hurt a bit." Dio said.

Just before Jonathan was able to say anything his cock was engulfed in pleasure.

Jonathan let out a grunt as he didn't expect it.

Dio may have been a bit overconfident, as when he put Jonathan's cock all the way inside  he let out a loud "WRY" in pain.

Dio began moving up and down on Jonathan's dick the pain slowly going down as his asshole stretched to fit his lover's dick.

Jonathan was enjoying it more than he'd like to say, he liked how Dio felt on the inside, it was incredibly tight and moist.

"Jonathan how is it?" Dio said grabbing Jonathan's hand and putting it on his cock,  Jonathan immediately started pumping it instinctively.

Dio was able to find his prostate with his lover's cock and made sure it hit there every time.

Dio began speeding up,  causing Jonathan's hand to go faster.

"Dio, I'm gonna cum!" Jonathan screamed as Dio came all over Jonathan's chest.

Jonathan let out a loud moan as he came, filling Dio's asshole with his hot cum.

Dio pulled Jonathan's dick out, causing cum to leak onto the bed.

"I enjoyed it." Dio said as he fell onto Jonathan's chest. He fell asleep snoring fairly quickly.

"I liked it too Dio. I liked it too." Jonathan said, he then kisses Dio's forehead and drifted to sleep.

The end.

AN~ Sorry it was short and in my opinion a bit bad and rushed. I had to rush to get it finished by Halloween.  Thank you for reading everyone. If you'd like a good story go to LilySnowfal for her jojo stuff.
Mike The Loli King.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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