Ch 7 Checking In

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Checking In

Billy would've assumed he wasn't supposed to be in a cemetery at night because of some childish story. Like... it's haunted or... this is the breeding place of zombies. Why else would the cemetery be full of holes? How many people were actually dying these days?

The old man, he called himself Chet, helped Billy get Jaimie to her feet.

"You two runnin' from trouble?" Chet asked.

"No," Billy lied. "Our car died back there."

"Trouble?" Jaimie laughed. "It follows him wherever he goes."

"Shut up, Jaimie!" He didn't want her giving away who they were, just in case there was a slim chance that this guy might recognize them.

"No, Billy! I'm tired. It's dark and I want to sleep," she said.

"So, Chet," Jaimie stumbled as she walked between the two men, her arms around their shoulders. "Is there anywhere around here that I can sleep?"

"Only for those who sleep eternally, my friend." Chet laughed a little at his joke. "We don't have much space on the grounds for places like that, miss."

Jaimie made a sad face, but neither of them saw it as they were watching the waving beam of light bouncing in front of them. Chet expertly guided the two of them between headstones and along short aisles, avoiding the other holes they were preparing for burial.

"Don't you worry, though," Chet said just as the silence began to set in on their night. "I'm sure Auntie's will be open tonight. There hasn't been a lot of business lately, and she'll be glad to accommodate the two of you for the night."

"Auntie's?" Billy asked. "What is that?" He'd never heard of an Auntie's anywhere near or around Chesterfield.

"She calls it her hotel, but it's more of a bed and breakfast," Chet said. "She gets most people who are on their way through, not able to stay for much more than a night. There are others who've been there awhile and just haven't left since they've come."

"Is it new?" Jaimie asked.

"Not really. There used to be two of 'em," Chet said. "Auntie's has been around in one form or another since the sisters took over when the mother passed."

"We don't have much..." Billy began.

"Oh, don't you worry about that. I'll put in a good word for ya. Besides, she has a sympathetic heart. She likes helping people who have fallen on bad times. So long as you're good people, she'll help... she'll give you a place for the night."

"Good people?" Billy asked. "What does that mean?"

"Oh... oh, nothing," he stuttered. "You seem like good people. I was just trying to ease the tension. You know... offer something to get your mind off of money? It's not an expensive place and I'm sure, if needed, you'll have something to offer in exchange for the night's sleep."

A short stone wall stood before them where they stopped. He set the lantern on the top of the wall and pointed it out away from the cemetery. He put one leg over the wall and then the other. He spun himself around and tossed himself off the wall. He disappeared below the ray of light. A few seconds later, a handful of knuckles reached up and grabbed the handle of the bullseye lantern.

"It's not a far drop," Chet called up to them. "The ground's soft too! Just jump!"

Jaimie stood and stared at the wall. Darkness seemed to engulf her, surrounding her from every direction.

"It's okay, Jaimie," Billy said, understanding what just happened. "Just have a look over the wall. Take my hand," he said as he touched the back of her fingers.

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