Chapter 14 The Shack

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With his empty security blanket gripped tightly in his hand, he visualized a sprinter's batton and ran as hard as he could manage. He didn't know where he was heading and it didn't matter. Any where was better than here. He could even go back to the boat, if he could remember which way the boat was. The only thing pressing on his mind was getting away from this spot and how far was far enough.

He had run a lot when he was in the Academy, but never as the one being chased. There was nothing he had ever done that could have prepared him for this.

Blind in the night, he sought refuge. Refuge from a beast made of surreal dogs. A hiding place from the Darkness.

No one would have ever been able to prepare him for what he would be facing when he chose to follow Don Cook through the willow. If he had known, he couldn't bring himself to say he would follow. He would never think himself to be a coward, nor would anyone who knew him. The dead beneath the pond had already been too much for him to handle, when he had realized what was beneath the water. Now this? Running for his life?

The fields and trees left behind soon became tall grass and very difficult to run through. He had to leap and bounce as he ran, while avoiding fallen trees and slippery places where he could or would most definitely break an ankle. He zig zagged through the tall grass and around trees with no natural light to guide him. Not even the light of a moon or simple stars were able to guide him. He couldn't see far in front of him, nor far enough behind him to know where he was or if he was being followed. He was confident he was being followed. He also knew there was no way he would be able to cover his trail as he struggled to stay upright and moving forward. He climbed over thick fallen trees, tore through dense brush, and waded through tall grass. How long could this go on?

What seemed a never ending battle against nature had him continuing to press himself forward. The visions of the wolf-like creatures in pursuit, kept his adrenaline up just enough for him to fight off fatigue. Although he could not hear them, he wasn't going to stop moving until he felt safe. That... just may never be.

His safe zone was closer than he would ever had let himself believe it to be. Through the brush, trees, and thicket, waited a small shelter with a single living flame flickering behind a glass pane window.

Jensen emerged through the tree line to the sight of a small opening where the moon's light outlined the dark shack and its burning candle. He paused for the first time since taking flight, but knew he wouldn't be able to pause for long. He could still hear the howling and twisted darkness following behind him. He barely noticed the light given by the moon.

He examined the space between himself and the shack, looking all around and glaring through the dim space, hoping to spot anything that might be moving around, waiting for him to cross the space between himself and the shack. There were no wolves or unexplainable creatures bounding toward him or prowling the area. With little time, he was as thorough in his search as he could be. Satisfied in finding nothing, he ran as fast as he could until he reached the landing before the door.

As he was about to knock, the door slowly creaked open.

"Hello?" he asked, almost feeling as if he would never speak another word again. Something about this place... this whole place made him question his existence. Was this real? When did he fall asleep? It was alien to speak a word.

There was no reply.

"The door is open. Is anyone there?"

No response.

Brian Jensen pushed the door open enough to slide into the room and silently ease the door closed behind himself. The scent of burning wax welcomed him. The wood floor slightly gave beneath his feet, but where it should have creaked in protest as the boards moved up and down beneath his weight, there was no sound.

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