Chapter 12 The Family Secret

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Don Cook moved freely and without concern, from the boat at the pond, to the front porch of Auntie's. Around the outside of building, he disappeared from Jensen's sight and made his way up the steps and onto the landing before the large double doors of this massive place. Here, he came face to face with his former caretaker.

"Evening, sir," Victor said with a mocking smile. "We've been waiting." His menacing grin spoke too loudly for Mr. Cook's liking. "Will you staying long, sir?" he laughed.

"Shut up, Victor." Don Cook commanded.

Victor ignored the man's threatening tone as he retreated down the steps laughing at his response, knowing it, very well, did not matter what Don Cook said or intended to do. There was no way the man had any power over him here.

"Where are you going, Victor?" Don demanded.

"Open it yourself. Your heart is cold enough to enter the gates of Hell and celebrate a white Christmas. I'm sure you can pass through those door easy enough."

He firmly grasped the handle and turned it. Pulling it toward him, it did not budge. Pushing brought the entry he needed.

"Welcome, Mr. Cook... to my hotel. Where the weary rest and the rest lasts forever."

"Oh, cut the crap, Auntie. You know why I'm here."

Auntie looked at him the with most innocent look she could falsely force across her face. "No, Mr. Cook, I don't know what brings you through the gates to my hotel. Seeking a change of scenery, perhaps?"

"You know very..."

"No... I do not know, Mr. Cook," she interrupted very calmly.

"Ok... Auntie, I'll play your game. I'm seeking Billy Ward. Victor brought him to my home tonight, through a broken gate."

"I don't know a Billy Ward, Mr. Cook."

"He IS Here..." Don Cook Emphasized every word.

"There's no reason to get sour, Mr. Cook." she smiled and here smile wasn't unlike Victor's grin. "I'll check my log for you."

She slid the book on the counter towards herself. She scanned the pages with her finger, turned the page and scanned again.

"You sent him with Victor to collect the children. Call Victor in here and have him bring me Billy Ward!'

"Well, Mr. Cook..." she paused. "I'm not seeing a Billy Ward in my books. Perhaps... you're mistaken. Living a bad dream or somethin?"

"Mistaken?! I'm not mistaken. There is no mistake!" he was furious and powerless. Nothing he could do or say would get him what he wanted. She could hold the truth for an eternity. Quite literally... and he knew it.

"You can look, if you'd like." Auntie turned the book and shoved it toward him. "Perhaps, you don't trust the book or my process... If that's the case, feel free to roam the premises."

Don Cook pulled the registrar toward him and skimmed through. He flipped from page to page. He even went through the pages that were empty and those that were also far outdated. The oldest date was 50 years ago and the most recent was just yesterday. Billy Ward couldn't be seen anywhere in this list.

"This doesn't mean anything," he said as he shoved the book away. "You could've doctored this... or he could've not signed in."

"Oh, how wrong you are, Mr. Cook." She smiled with the evil wide grin. "Everyone signs in. Some sign out. Doesn't that depend on the pact, Mr. Cook?"

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