Chapter 22

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Welcoming rays of light warmed the dew covered grass as the morning invited all of the mourners to be comfortable enough at the most crushing of moments. The grass was fresh and the chilly air was relieving. The birds danced in the sky, swooping and climbing in the sky. Even the trees seemed to dance as they reached out for the flock.

Up here, on the cliff, overlooking the forest, they watched as the sun rose, changing the colors of the sky as the rays of light pressed their way through the grey sky. Everything seemed as perfect as it could be on a day like this, but something was missing. She didn't know what was missing. She couldn't find the puzzle piece to complete her scrambled life, With all of the chatter in her world, she had doubts about her reality. She had questions that needed answers, but these questions were being asked by all the wrong sources.

There she was, at the top of the world. She had everything she thought she could have ever wanted. Her home overlooked the most beautiful valley, set against a stunning view of a mountain range that anyone would ever want. She could go and be anywhere in the world she wanted to whenever she wanted. Anything she needed, she could get. It seemed the world was at her command. Yet, she could not block out the world's view of her.

They said she was a monster. She had destroyed her family and the lives of millions. They said she would erase anyone she didn't care for. To her, it was all gossip, it was all static chatter. Could they be right about her? Could they know something about her that she could not see herself... something she could not remember?

Words tend to find a way of losing their truth when no one really knows how her reputation came to be. She definitely couldn't recall ever doing anything to anyone that would be deserving of these lies.

Despite the lies. Despite her internal strife, she knew she was of value to the world. Her services were needed. Her ability to set people at ease and to help them through their hardships... this was what the world needed from her. She provided the gateway for easing their sorrows. She saw the pain as they came to her and the relief when they left. She witnessed the grief and the sorrow and provided the acceptance and the guidance. She took nothing from them and they left losing nothing.

She didn't know these people, or exactly why they were here. She only knew that when they needed her, they would find her and anyone who may have been looking for them, would never be able to.

"Jaimie?" Brian Jensen called out to her as he approached her from behind. "Most of them have gone. We need to be ready for the new arrivals.

She hadn't noticed the morning aging before her. Her thoughts took her away from this place as she pondered the possibilities of who "they" think she may be.

"I know... I'll be there..."

"Didn't sleep last night?" he asked. "Have the nightmares returned?"

"Do you think it's real?" she asked. "Am I what they say? Could I be?"

"No, Jaimie," he said. "Whatever they say, whatever they believe, we know it's not true. Look around you. If that was you... if you were who they say you are, would you be who you are?" Jensen placed his hand on her back.

"But they've all been saying..."

"I know," he interrupted. "They will need you someday. When they come, they will forget what they've said because they'll need you more than you've ever needed them. Those who remember their words, will come to you in shame. They will need your forgiveness and you will give. You will continue to provide everything you can. I don't see you the way they see you. Isn't that really all that matters?"

"You're right," she said as she watched the cloud of dark birds drop into the forest.

"What?" he asked, wanting her to say it again.

"You're... hey! Stop messing with me! You'll only get that once."

The clouds broke open and the sun broke through, exposing a ginormous willow in the center of the forest. The tree glistened in the light, swaying its branches back and forth as the birds bolted to the sky and the wind swirled across the tops of he trees.

"Are you ready?" Brian asked.

"Let it begin."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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