Chapter 1

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Rey's P.o.v.

  I've been here on ach-to training with master Luke,  since Starkiller was destroyed and since I witnessed Kylo Ren kill Han. The closest to a father figure I've ever had, but that monster took him away from me. How could he be so selfish, to know in the back of your mind you have two parents who love you dearly, how could he just kill his father like it was no big deal. I didn't, no I don't have anyone, yet without blinking an eye he killed his own father, I would have traded anything to have at least one person to love me. But he wouldn't understand he's just a monster.

A confused, unruly, and scared boy locked inside himself ...

Why can he see what he's doing is wrong, why make things worse for everyone and yourself, but in the corner of my mind I feel a  bit of sympathy for him. Not for a sympathy of parental loss but of something I can't put my finger on something I can't quite help because I myself deal with the same loss everyday.

The same loss, the same pull that he feels. A yearning for equality and a unique peace we each crave.

A few tears escape, I sit and relish in the release of confusion from my heart, I sense my master approaching and take the back of my hand and wipe away the tears

" I sense you  are in distress, what is the matter Rey?" My masters abrupt tone snapping me out of my thoughts 

I stifle a chuckle " I'm fine master it's nothing I promise" I give a barely convincing smile.

He puts a hand on my shoulder and heaves a sigh  " it's not your fault they left you Rey, you will soon find happiness, you just need to keep the hate for my nephew at bay."

  " I understand master"  I reply nonchalantly trying to keep the conversation from continuing , Luke hums patting my shoulder leaving me to  head back to his hut.

I close my eyes once more, thinking of my parents, thinking of ben solo, thinking about all the peace and all the destruction in the galaxy and I sigh, peace flowing through me, violence making an appearance in the back of my mind, the feeling of life and death, decay.  The force around me, the way it flows so smoothly. I embrace the smell of the dew on the grass and the water below the mountain, the feeling of grass on my legs and feet. I smile relishing in the fact I no longer have to live in the torturous sandy conditions I once had to endure.

I stay still for a few minutes longer and I jolt at the sound of a ship flying over interrupts my thoughts, I groan and stand to tell master Luke that a ship has landed.

As I retrieve Luke I noticed a familiar figure stepping out of the ship, it's the general! 

I leap up from the ground leaving luke behind and race towards Leia and my friends. I run into her arms and hug her tightly missing her embrace from our last encounter,the motherly feeling I relish in, I'm pulled away and give her a small smile.

 Turning I see my boys walking towards me mischief in their eyes, finn races towards me and pulls me into a tight hug and I swear I hear him sniffling, I chuckle at his greeting 

"Rey, we've missed you so much!" Finn says searching my eyes for any change since our last encounter,

 " I missed you too Finn, where's Poe?"  I ask knowing all too well where the cocky pilot is.

He points towards the ship the same time I hear someone clear their throat, my eyes widen at the pilot who seems to have become even more cocky since the last time I saw him. shocker.

" here I am." He says proudly pushing himself off the ship, sauntering over to me. 

I roll my eyes and realize he hasn't changed a bit, but man did I miss these guys.  He wraps each arm around me and Finn. 

" so Rey, hun, how've you been we missed you back at the base?" I notice he shifts uncomfortably before letting me go and scoots closer to Finn keeping his arm locked on his shoulder, I raise my eyebrow at the gesture, 

" I've been fine actually um I've just been here with Luke training for my next encounter with Kylo ren." I clear my throat, suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the look they're both giving me 

I fumble for the right words to explain myself, " it's not like I want to be here- I just im doing it for him and  er- leia that's right, for leia." I straighten up composing myself and look to see if they believed me but there is no change in their expressions

I glance over at leia with pleading eyes telling her please save me from them. I see her chuckle and she starts to walk in my direction, I walk towards her as well.

 " Rey my dear I've missed you." She whispers for only me to hear, a sad smile forced on her face, I smile back showing I've missed her more than she could ever know.

"  actually Rey" she pulls Luke's sleeve towards us receiving glares from her brother in the process, 

" Luke and I, mostly myself." She grumbles only loud enough for me to hear, 

I stifle a laugh getting questioning glares from my master. 

" anywho, Rey as you know  my husb-  Han, he is no longer with us anymore and I hate to admit although I adore everyone's company, I've grown quite lonely dear reminiscing on his departure, and since Luke is training you I have no family any more to keep me company." 

She looks at the ground with a sigh, she seems to have composed herself since she shook her head slightly and stood up taller. 

" Rey what I'm trying to say is I want my son back, and I believe there is still some light in him I just need someone to help him see it." My eyes widened, my mouth opening and closing like a fish as I try to find the right words to say

 " leia, luke and i are trying our best to figure out the right way to reach him -" 

" listen Rey I know it seems impossible and I'm not asking you to make your decision right now but please dear, it's written in the stars above, that peace will be brought to the galaxy by two strong force users that will join together to bring the grey jedi back " I stare at her confused, honestly everyone else around me except leia looks confused by her choice of words.

" Rey" she breathes deeply and grabs my hands looking deep into my eyes, something occurred in them if only for a moment sadness, desperation, but she ignores it and leans closer. " we believe it will be the two of you, that will bring peace to the galaxy  ."

Ayyyyy Im back and im editing and ive realized that these are cringy so im making it have more build up and giving the characters some individuality not your typical reylo story. so please bare with me yall

Thanks for reading my dudes 


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