chapter 13

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reys p.o.v

i could feel him coming for me, i could feel the tension and anger he felt, but in the back of my mind a bit of longing.

maker i can never get rid of him can i?, you werent saying that the other day when you kissed him without permission, whatever its not like it meant anything, mhm sure rey sure

oh bloody hell, i have been here for a week and ive turned into a crazy person, i keep talking to myself i havent ate in days and im exhausted. and i hate to say this but i do miss him. i would never let him know that but i do.

but no matter what he has no right to act the way he did, he truly needs to get himself under control

he annoys me and angers me but i do miss him so much and im kind of glad hes coming for me. not that i need someone to save me, i could have left by now i have my own ship, i just havent had the motivation to go back.

he was right no matter what i tried i could never fix him and he could never fix me. being out here all by myself has made me realize that more and more

but he promised you he would fix you

well sometimes promises are broken, no matter how much you believed in them.

i hold my makeshift pilot doll close to me, why was i destined to live this life, why was i given all these problems, and responsibilities. i was i could live a normal life. two parents who love me, a normal job, a normal family. but no it was decided i was to worthless for a good life.

i wish the galaxy was at peace, that we didnt have to have war all the time, i feel like its so repetitive. a new generation fights, they die off and their heirs lead their fights and so on and so forth. i wish i didnt have the force i wish, i wish i was never born.

the sound of boots walk in my direction, i close my eyes and ignore them, probably just scavengers. i look up at the stars and see one brighter than the rest, i crane my neck to look at it and sigh

i wish i would have never been born

" you know thats not a very good wish scavenger " a familiar gruff voice responds

my eyes widen and i turn my neck to see familiar dark brown eyes staring back at me, I wrap my arms around my knees and turn from him, trying to ignore his presence

" really rey, this is the hello i get?" he chuckles

i look him up and down and let out a harsh breath i didnt realize i was holding

" why are you, youre here" i breathe out

he nods a small smile playing on his lips

a single tear falls down my cheek and i quickly swipe it away in hopes he didnt see it.

he scoots closer and puts his hand on mine, i pull back and hold my hand to my chest

a look of sadness washes over his face, he scoots closer and put his hand on my cheek

" rey please"

i shake my head, tears escaping my eyes

" no, no ,no please just no, you cant come here and expect me to come back with you, no ben i cant" i mumble not looking him in the eyes

" i know you cant, i didnt expect you to" he whispers

" then why are you here?" i ask out of curiosity

" i want to apologize."

theres no use ben

he turns my head to look at him

please dont say that, i missed you so much rey

i look down not wanting him to see my cry any longer

" i havent eaten or slept since you left, i havent stopped thinking about you, i have been talking to luke and i decided to take him up on his offer i will be going to train with him" he says nonchalanty

my eyebrows crease in confusion "how dare you? you came here to tease me, make me think you would be taking me home, but no you just came to tell me youre leaving me, how dare you, h-how dare you lead me on like that i dont deserve this ben !" i stand my hands in fist and my blood boiling

" no that is not what i intended-"

" yes yes it is, you are leaving me just like how they left me, how could you do this to me ben, why?" i started to cry again my eyes hardly any water left to cry

he reached forward for my hands but i stepped back anger washing over me

" you are just like everyone else, solo! you reject me just like them, you leave me to be by myself, and to what wait around like some damsel in distress, well listen here i will go back home without you i will not miss you, because you dont deserve me ben" i cross my arms and close my eyes

" you know what i dont deserve you, but im doing this for you rey, im going to get better for you and i dont care if you wont miss me because you know what i will .not. miss. you." he stomps forward and forcefully places a kiss on my lips i lean into him and as i do he jerks away his eyes yellow a putrid smirk plastered on his face.

he leans his forehead on mine and sighs " goodbye scavenger"

i stare at him as he walks back to his ship, my mouth agape,

what have we done ?


heyyo children, im back even tho i havent been gone, ive been editing so hopefuly this story will be less cringy . this chapter is a bit short but i figured hey its something so here ya go :)

but like guess who turned six freaking teen yesterday yooo thats right this girl, but guess what im still doing writing reylo for you dweebs, but i love you all so dont fret i will have a few chapters up tomorrow considering im freaking tired from school like ugh

anywho thank you for reading

please comment vote and share my loves

~<3 B

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