asking me out (niall)

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Zayn POV

She was beautiful she was one of a kind her eyes were such a beautiful shade of brown, her brown skin just like her mother but a bit darker the list could just go on and on. " ZAYN " i heared someone whisper from behind me i turn around meeting eyes of beautiful shade of brown they looked familiar " kiara " i said "yeah it's me" she siad  coming out of a pile of clothes. " WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU DID THE WASHING" she said she sounded so beautiful " Louis looks like we have another passenger" Harry said winking at her then he looked at me i had this look that said 'SHE'S MINE BACK OFF' and surprisingly he did. Louis stopped the car."KIARA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HER LAILA IS GOING TO KILL YOU" Louis said sad but at the same time happy she came. " don't worry i came to talk to Zayn and Harry" She said in a happy voice when she said Zayn and a angry voice when she said Harry. i looked over at Niall and ever since Kiara came he's been quietier than ever.

Niall POV

Once i saw her i knew i loved her, She was beautiful she was one of a kind her eyes were such a beautiful shade of brown, her brown skin just like her mother but a bit darker the list could just go on and on, but i also had a feeling she was Zayn kind of girl once she laid eyes on him she stopped breathing. i saw her videos on youtube her eyes stand out so much in the camera she's a amazing singer and rapper she has a gift just like her mum. " Niall are you OKAY" she said in a lovely voice. " yeah i'm fine just a bit motion sickeness" i said " do you want a vomit bag" liam said. i heard kiara laugh so hard it was so beautiful but i had know idea what she was laughing at. "What?" louis asked " nothing i just rememered that liam has a fear of SPOONS" she said laughing and then we all ended up laughing but not liam "KEEP SPOONS OUT OF IT" he said furious " don't worry i have a fear of vacuum cleaners" She said. " That's so sweet" said Zayn, Kiara blushed a bit. I was sorta jealous i mean EVERY girl falls for zayn it's so unfair, what does he have that i don't. " Hey niall come sit next to me" kiara said. " OKAY" i said with a big smile. Zayn was sitting on the other side of her with  his arm aruond her. I put my hand out trying to make her see and hold my hand.

Kiara POV

"Niall come sit next to me" i said. " OKAY" he said with a big smile. Zayn had his arm around me and then i see Nialls hand out trying to make me see it and hold it, i want to but i can't but i guess it won't hurt i mean i'm not going out with any of them yet. i see Niall blush then we gently lock our hands together. " WE'RE HERE" Harry said in a exciting voice. Before anyone can see me and Niall stop holding hands before anyone could see. "How bout a party tonight" Zayn said looking striaght at me and i smiled. "PARTYY TIME" Louis yells. " YES PARTY TIME"  Niall yelled " ALL DAY, ALL NIGHT, ALL DAY, ALL NIGHT" I yelled everyone laughed. " the party is going to be so fun'' Zayn said keeping his eyes on me.

Zayn POV

"Kiara and i are gonna have a fun night tonight if you know what i mean" i said to louis. " you're joking you just meet her and if anything she's my responsability otherwise Laila will kill me or even worse DUMP me if she found out." Louis said. " Don't worry i won't force her only if she wants to drink" i said. " wait a sec i thought you meant" Louis said surprised. " now that you said it" i said with a big smile. " no no no no no i won't let you"Louis said with his serious face on. I just walked away.

Louis POV

He can't do it with her just yet, i mean she's my girlfriend sister and if she has sex with Zayn what am i going to do. " Hey louis where are we going to have the party here or what" Kiara said. " Here of coarse" i said, i walked over to kiara. "hey kiara" i said frowning. " what sup louis" she said looking me in the eyes. " zayn wants to have sex with you tonight but if you do and Laila finds out she might dump me" i said frowning. " No she won't as long as there's nothing going on between US she won't really care" she said half smiling half frowning. " And plus i don't know who to choose" she said, i was a bit confused. " WHAT?" i said. " i don't know who to choose between Zayn and Niall, who do you think" she said she was really asking me this now. " which ever one your heart leads you too" I said suprised someone was attually falling for niall not that he's ugly or anything but usually it's Zayn or Harry or some people don't know who to choose between me and liam. but zayn and niall, zayn and niall now that's a first.

Liam POV

Niall came to me for some advise on girls, cause he went to an all boys school so he doesn't really know how to act around girls. "Liam i think i like Kiara" he said to me, i think that's so sweet." then ask her out" i replied. " i can't Zayn said kiaras his, he always gets all the girls it's unfair" he said " it's called ask her out she won't be going out with Zayn and if she is she's desprate" i said patting him on the back.

Niall POV

" Hey Kiara" i yelled running to her" i said running to her. "yeah" she said turning around making her beautiful curly black hair swishing through the wind. " would you know go out on a date with me" i asked really nervous. *gasp* 

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