Chapter 3

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~~~BTS' POV~~~

"Good morning class. As I have already told you that we are having new people in our class." Ms. Park said as she went in our room.

"Please take good care of them and be nice to them"

Then V went inside with Jungkook and two girls. Maybe they are the our new classmates.

They introduced theirselves and took their seats then class started.


"Okay since you have new classmates I will give you an hour and a half for your free time and to get to know each other more." Ms. Park said as she was heading out and left.

We all went to the girls but we talked to Kim Hee first cause Shin Rae was zoning out.

V went to her and we just followed him.

V: Kim Hee! Kimmie! Je Hee! Kim!

Kim Hee didnt notice V cause she was busy using her phone. Instead of calling her Jimin tapped her back.

Jimin: Annyeong Kim Je Hee!

Kim Hee: Oh annyeong!

Jimin: You're really cute~ ^_^

Kim Hee: O_o Eh?

J-Hope: Yah! Jimin stop flirting with girls.

Then J-Hope flicked Jimin's head.

Jimin: What? She really is cute and-

Jimin was cutted off when Suga covered his mouth.

V: Enough with that already.

Jin: Why dont we get to know each other.

Rapmon: Yeah and be friends.

Suga: And hangout sometime.

Jin: Okay let's start with your favorites. What's your favorite color?

Kim Hee: Arasso~ ⌒_⌒

BTS(except Jin): Yah hyung!

Jin: What?

Suga: You always ask the favorite colors first.

Kim Hee: What's wrong with it?

Rapmon: It's because he wants to ask you if you like pink.

J-Hope: Cause he loves pink.

And everyone laughed. They talked and asked questions about her and became close to her.

Jimin: Yah V! You've been quiet the whole time. You haven't even asked a question to Kim Hee.

That made all of them except 2 people in the room look at V.

V: Its because I already know everything about her. ^-^

J-Hope: Wait! someone else is quiet here in us.

Suga: Jeon Jungkook~

~While on the other side~

Jungkook sneakily went to Shin Rae without his hyungs noticing him.

Shin Rae was looking at the window and not joining Kim Hee and the rest.

Then Jungkook went to sit infront of her and leaned on her desk. But Shin Rae didnt notice him.

"Hey~" Jungkook said as he poked Shin's cheeks.

"H-huh? oh hi Kookie~ what are you doing?" she faced him and she found out that Jungkook's face was really close to hers.

Jungkook backed a little and blushed cause his face was really close to Shin's

"Why didnt you join the others on their interview of Kim Hee?"he asked.

"Then why didn't you join them too?"

"C-cause I found you zoning out so I went to talk to you then" Jungkook said as his heart beat was beating really fast.

"Oh okay~" she smiled at Jungkook that made his heart skipped a beat.

"S-so would you mind if I would interview you since the guys are busy with Kim Hee"

"Yeah sure"

Then they talked about random things, laughed and they both got close to each other.

~back at BTS and Kim Hee~

Suga: Jeon Jungkook~

Then they all looked at Jungkook and Shin Rae talking to each other, laughing, being sweet and getting close.

Rapmon: It seems like our maknae is inlove.

V: Haha~ I didn't know Kookie would like Shin.

Kim Hee: I also didn't know that Shin would like Jungkook.

Then they all laughed.

~~~V's POV ~~~

Hyungs really had a long talk to Kim Hee but I was looking at Jungkook and Shin Rae while talking.

'They really are cute and sweet together. I wish I could confess my feelings towards Kim Hee already' V thought and looked at Kim Hee smiling at the boys.

'Soon' he thought.


It was almost lunch time already and they aren't done talking to Kim Hee neither Kookie and Shin. So I need to break the talk and head to lunch cause I'm really hungry right now.

"Okay!! Enough with the interview hyungs. Its lunch already and maybe Kim Hee's already starving and tired from answering your questions. So let's go!" I interrupted them and pulled Kim Hee to go out.

"Wait!" she said as we got out of the room.

We are already out of our room leaving my hyungs with their mouth wide open for what I did.

"Where are you taking me?" Kim Hee asked.

"Lunch~ I'm hungry." I said while pulling her and holding her hand going to the canteen.

"Then why didn't you take the others?"

"I-its because I want to eat with only you" I said and smiled at her.

While we were at the hallway going to the canteen we hear girls screaming. That's the sign of us to run. I forgot that there are fangirls outside. But since we are not really far from our room so we decided to head back.

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