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"One shot. One hit. Down." His voice gritty presses into my ear as he holds me by the collar. His dark eyes black like burnt coal motionlessly staring down at me. Just with those eyes alone I could feel him silently beckoning for me to challenge him. Question his authority. Do or say something, anything, that would give him the satisfaction to yell in my face or smack me around.

He hated to admit it, but we both knew he needed me. We both knew he wouldn't get shit if it weren't for me. He's not the one out there fighting, dodging blows, or breaking knuckles, and punching through bones. That was all me. While he just sat there and watched with beer one in hand and a stack of bills in the other.

"You understand me, Kaeper."

"Oh, I understand you." I grin with a halfhearted nod of my head. The sleeves of my black and silver robe hanging off of my forearms and ending right at my calves letting the fabric swirl near the front of my shins."I understand you loud and clear."

"Then don't make an ass of yourself. Ya hear me?"He growls."I want my money and I want it now. Don't even bother with putting up a show. Just get it done and give me my wad."

"Yeah yeah. I heard you the first damn time." I spit back at him with just as much annoyance shrugging his grubby hands off me."And for fuck's sake can you not touch the robe? This shit is silk."

"Salem." He warns.

"I'm just saying."I shoot back now looking at the crumbled texture."I have no problem in delivering death blows. Just as long as you don't touch my crap. Deal?"I mutter pocketing away my hands and staring right back at him. The look on his face anything but patient or amused. Tirelessly, his eyes roll with a tense of his jaw.

"As long as you get me my damn money." He mutters from under his grayish beard shifting his gaze toward the locker room door leading to the arena. He sighs inaudibly." You got yourself a deal."

The Wild Sideحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن