Chapter 4: Explanations and Queen B's

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This morning passes in a blur of coffee, showers, half assed breakfast, and fumbling steps towards my car. Nothing but curses echo throughout the whole house as Nova goes through the spare clothes she's stacked at my house for these exact purposes. That being when she unexpectantly sleeps over my house.

It took every fiber in my being to keep from laughing when she walked downstairs wearing two different colored socks and shoes. However that look on her face told me it'd be wise to stay quiet. So instead I just merely gestured towards it with my gaze.

"Aw fuck!" She swears when she gets my insinuated message. "God damning dammit!" She hurriedly runs back upstairs nearly tripping over her sleep deprived self. A small smile curves upon my face as I watch after her. It only takes her an extra six minutes to actually find matching clothes.

On the bright side we weren't late for school. We breezed right in and sped through first, second, and third period like the wind. However I suppose, sadly, all good things eventually got to come to an end eventually at some point. In which brings me to:


Also known as something I fall flat on. I suck at equations and my head gets all fuzzy when around numbers. That eventually leads to a mental spasam that ticks off my nerves and creates a boiling headache. My fingers fidget and I begin to shift absent mindlessly in my seat. Or to put it short I'd be frazzled.

The slight inconvenience makes my palms sweat and my heart beat quicken. Not that I'm some perfect straight A student. Now that's a stretch, but to be presented with a problem and not knowing how to fix it is what phases me. That's basically my kryptonite and right now I was getting some high dosage of it.

"You. Two. Did. WHAT!?" Mal screeches letting his bangs flop motionlessly on his forehead. Nyla pouts at his tone clearly more annoyed than concerned. While as I instantly step forward in an effort to calm him down.

"Mal look it's totally fine-"

"Ara you nearly have a black eye! How in any shape or form is that fine!?" He seethes. I frown at his acid tone though a part of me completely understands it. To be honest I don't know what Nyla and I were exactly expecting once we woke up and decided to act as casual as we can into school this morning. The thought of last night as fresh as a stab wound in my mind.

The blood, the fight, Jyron, Jericho, Miliana, Titan, and Salem. I was basically tossing and turning all night with nothing but thoughts of The Immortal Circus swimming around in my head. Nyla on the other hand held no problem walking into my house, brushing her teeth, and immediately passing out in my guest room.

In fact she hasn't said much to me throughout this whole morning other than our plan to stay down low, conceal my bruise, and head to school. To put it frank I do admit it was our mistake to underestimate our best friend.

Mal just has that knack for being able to know and figure out everything. I knew we were screwed the minute we were face to face and his eyes instantly narrowed toward my swollen cheek and slightly bruised eye I had thought I securely hid this morning.

Guess not.

At that moment we had no choice but to tell him the truth and as anyone can guess it's not exactly looking too good.

"Why the fuck do you keep bringing her to that shit hole!?" Mal growls in frustration towards Nyla. A frown quirking down at the tips of my lips when she flinches at his tone. In all my life I have never seen Nyla Amadale ever flinch at anyone. She's the life of the party. Ms. I-don't-give-a-fuck, but in this moment she seems anything but.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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