Chapter 3: Nighttime Drive

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The night begins to set without a star in sight. Only the full moon hung above us in a sea of pitch black blanketing the skies. Titan laid on his side asleep at the far right while I gnaw on my roast beef sandwich with Nyla at one side and Salem on my other at the window seat staring off into space. He presses his forehead against the glass window pane subtly humming an indie song under his breath barely loud enough for me to hear.

From behind my thick wave of black hair I glance at him curiously chewing lazily onto an egg salad sandwich. To think just a few hours ago I was one with the crowd just another face in an ocean of people. I woke up this morning planning to go see a movie with my best friend Mal over the weekend for some horror flick he's been hyped about recently. Everything started out so normal. So average.

"Can today get anymore boring?"Mal groaned aloud stuffing his face between his arms in annoyance during History, and at the time I couldn't agree more. Spending endless hours trapped in classrooms hearing lecture after lecture. Getting assigned homework after homework.

It just so happened to be the most boring thing to ever grace one's existence. When in a school filled with thousands upon thousands of students. Days sure passed by tediously as I blended in with the background receiving nothing but snickers by those who found my wardrobe choice quite odd and funny.

Though Nyla says she thinks it's quite cute and Mal agrees saying it suits my personality. It still didn't stop people like the likes of Mina Chaw who pestered me non stop for my love of sweat shirts, plaid skirts, and boots. Nor was her friends any less vicious. Everyday at school went in the same cycle.

I put on a long sleeve, a plaid skirt, and a pair of boots. Nyla's brother drops the both of us off all the while teasing me with lame pick up lines that had me dying of laughter and Nyla grimacing in physical pain. Then we'd attend class, Mina takes her jabs in between sessions, I try not to stare at the perfect Adonis that is Kit Calloway, I take notes, then eventually stop taking notes to doodle at the corner of my notebook, eat during breaks, and then go home usually walking side by side with Nyla and Mal.

Today's ending however didn't exactly go that way. The thing about having Mal and Nyla as friends is they're so alike and yet so different at the same time it puts them at each other's throat literally whenever the other opens their mouth. They still love each other like friends do but that still doesn't stop them from debating twenty four seven.

One of their biggest debates just so happen to be about The Immortal Circus. Nyla loves it there and Mal gets a real kick seeing guys fight over each other pummeling fists everywhere just for money.

However just like Titan he strictly believes I shouldn't go, and I have repeatedly agreed with him, but Nyla is a stubborn case. Mal's a like a brother to me and vice versa so whenever the thoughts of me being somewhere dangerous without him come into play he completely blows up with the loudest most clear 'NO' to ever touch one's ears.

That's when Nyla started using tactics to help lure me out, and boy did they work. For instance just a few hours ago as soon as Mal bid us a see you later when he went on his way to walk across the street towards his house. That's when Nyla with the brightest most kindest smile she could muster turned around towards me and asked if I wanted to go out for pizza later. Being a eighteen year old girl and absolutely in love with everything pizza I didn't hesitate a yes.

I went home, changed out from my clothes, did my homework, watched some TV, then washed my face, and got dressed for when Nyla decided to come and pick me up. I was a bit taken aback at first when seeing Avie Pehtal at the driver's seat, hands at ten and two, relaxing with her seat reclined a bit back.

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