Chapter Three

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I walked out to come face to face with Jordan. "Bud, um, uh."
"Told you to stay here and make sure nothing happened?" I asked him already knowing the answer would be, "Yeah." See. "Well cmon then Jordan, I assume their in Lucy's lab?" I started walking down the hall, Jordan met me step by step in the opposite direction of the opening, Jordan gave me a duh look. I smiled at him, for some reason he always could make me smile. "Can you stop that?"
He asked, sounding irritated. "Stop what?" I asked him still walking down the hallway, "Acting like it's all okay." Tears flooded my eyes, "Jordan, it's easier to pretend." He looked down, "Oh come on. Don't be so sensitive."
"It's not that Wind. It's that, I feel like Lucy underestimates me. But I'm only one level below her."
"She'll lighten up on you. Trust me. I've known her my whole life." I said as we turned an corner into another long hallway. "Plus, she has never been good at sharing." Jordan chuckled at that. "You do know we are very grateful you're on the team right?"
"I guess so."
"Team Raven needed you." I said as Jordan pushed on Room 253's door. It opened into Team Raven's training room, to the left there was a  door leading to another hallway which lead to small rooms each teammate had (pretty much the only thing we could customize) on the sides of the walls was tvs mostly playing the news and a few with police radios on. Bud and Lucy were bending over a computer filing reports and arguing over times. "Yeah, don't pay attention to us." I said sarcastically noticing they didn't see us come in. They turned around quickly and smiled, "Hey guys!" Lucy said running her fingers through her hair "Yeah, hey. We found out Josh and a few other agents had a emergency mission." Bud said turning back around to the computer
"Oh really?" I said walking across the room to them with Jordan following. I grabbed one of the chairs along the desk full of computers and pulled it up in front of Bud when he turned his back again to talk not realizing we had moved I felt his hands grab the back of my chair as he leaned over me pointing to a sentence on the  report line of the computer screen."It's just a bunch of numbers." I said having a brain fart. "Wait! Oh that's code!"
"Duh." Bud said, I rolled my chair across the long desk to the code encryptor, Lucy started to read off the code to me "12 5 1 22 5 0 20 15 0 1 12 16 8 1 0 22 9 3 5 0 22 5 18 13 1 0 20 15 0 6 9 14 4 0 3 21 18" I typed them in as she went, and clicked print. I rolled my chair back to them and said,"Secret mission, so what? We just did one."
"Wind, this could have something to do with your dad." Bud said hesitating before he said it, "Oh, well," I said with a tear rolling down my cheek but making my voice steady "Dad's dead. Why would this have anything to do with him?" Jordan turned his back from me and I watched him go through the door to our rooms, I shrugged and put my elbows on on the table and sighed. "Okay, guys, if you think that this could be important or if you need something from me personally, find me, otherwise I don't want to be apart of this. I'm going home." I said pushing myself from my chair and heading to our rooms to grab my bag. I pushed open my door and walked into my room it was painted a pure white, one wall was a lavender color, my twin sized bed was right across from the door covered in white sheets with embroidered flowers on them, the wood floor creaked as I walked to my dresser and grabbed my bag off the top looking into the mirror on the wall behind it, my hair was a mess, my mascara was caked below my eyes i took a wipe and cleaned my myself up before I walked out the door and went across the hall to Jordan's room I knocked on the door and I heard a rustle from the other side the door nob jiggled and it opened revealing Jordan "I'm heading home."
"Alright, see ya later." He said with a soft smile "Alright." I said turning away from the door hearing it click behind  me. I guess I was hoping he would come and hang, I kinda don't want to be alone tonight. I walked through the training area, passing Lucy still staring at the computer, "Where's Bud?" I asked her "I dunno." She said not looking up from the screen. "Alright, bye Lucy."
"Bye Wind." She said as I walked out into the busy hallway. I pushed through the crowds, they were all going towards the opening, what's happening? I reached the opening and saw the top agents coming in through the doors with a prisoner. They walked in a circle formation with the prisoner in the middle of them I looked around for Josh, I spotted him, he was inside the circle controlling the prisoner. Typical. I pushed again through the crowd heading for the stair doors. The group of top agents had already gone down one of the hallways towards the holding cells, I reached out to the door when I heard my name from the other side of the opening. It was Josh. I rolled my eyes and pulled the door open. I could hear Josh pushing through the crowd trying to get to me. "Wind! Hold up!" I heard him yell as the door closed silencing everything besides the sound of my footsteps going up the stairs. Josh had made it to the staircase "Wind, come on." Josh grabbed my shoulder stopping me from going up the stairs any longer "What do you want Josh." I turned around coming nose to nose with him. He stepped down a stair and a moment of awkward silence appeared. He scratched the back of his neck I stared at him for a second then turned around again. "Okay, not gonna talk to me. That's fine, just let me drive you home?" I nodded to him as he hopped up the stairs behind me. We had reached his truck in less than three minutes, I pulled open the passenger door as he started it up. I threw my bag in the back and relaxed against the seat as we pulled out. I could feel my eyes drooping, I glanced at Josh and smiled a bit, he saw my glance and looked at me, "What?" He asked "Nothing." I said and leaned my head against the window letting sleep engulf me.

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