Chapter 13

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I double checked the number on the old house. I got out my car and stood still for a moment looking for Jordan. I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. No answer.

Guess I go inside then.

I leaned back into my car and grabbed my pistol from under the seat, sticking it into the side of my jeans. I closed the door and walked across the lawn, circling the house. I peeked through a window and saw nothing but a dark room. Huh? Jordan wouldn't call me here without a meaning. Ok, this is officially weird. First a bombshell about Bud being undercover FOR Josh. Now Jordan calls me to a empty house.

 That's it. I'm going home and never coming out again.

Jordan's POV

"Say it like you mean it." The man said as he stood high above me holding my phone to my ear after hitting Bud infront of me again.

I glared at him but I did what he said. "Something very wrong." I said with a bit of panic in my voice I looked back down at Bud who was lying on the floor in front of me with his hands and feet tied. They had been hitting him with a whip for the past 15 minutes until I agreed to make the call. "Well are you going to tell me or just leave me hanging?" I heard Winds voice in my ear pulling me from my dazed look at Bud. "Wind I need you to meet me at 307 Winter Street. Now." I said before the man pulled the phone from my ear and hung up. He and the man who was hitting Bud scoffed and walked out of the room, closing the door. "Bud." I said in a low tone hoping they wouldn't come back in and gag me. " Bud!" I said slightly louder. He did nothing. Its no use. I looked around for a moment. There was a tv in the far corner of the empty room. A random tv in a blank room. They were going to use that for us eventually. I looked back down at bud as I struggled with the ropes on my hands.

"Come on Bud, wake up."

I said looking down at him and moving my chair, making a screeching noice of the tile floor. I sighed and looked around again.


I looked quickly back down at Bud. He's awake.

"Thank the lord." I said looking at Bud.

"Did you do it?" He asked me with a stern voice "I had too." I said, avoiding eye contact. "They could have her Jordan! She can't take on those men! They managed to get me! She may be great, but if they got me, they can get her!"

"She'll be fine Bud. She can take care of herself."

"You don't get it Jordan!"

"I don't get it? You were the one who disappeared for almost a week! Now I know they didn't take you from the breakfast bar! You would've been dead by now if they did. From what I think, you've only been here for a day or two! They got me from my bed last night! She doesn't know that! And you know how she is! She'll find out!" I said pretty much yelling and wishing I could move my hands to slap him. Bud looked at me astonished. I won that apparently. "Can you try and scoot over here and untie me?" I asked him. He looked up at me again with a smirk. "Fine." 


There it is guys!! YAYYYYYYYYY I'm so so sorry for not updating! We went to Universal, Florida last week, and I didn't bring my computer. I frankly hate to have to write on my phone, so yeah.  

Wow, so yeah. Vote, Comment, I can't keep writing this if it isn't worth it to you guys so yeah. 

Wow, I say "so yeah" alot. In real life too. Hm. 

And on that astonishing realization, BYEEEEEE

- Brair <3

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