Chapter 15

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Ouch. What the heck happened? I felt pain shooting in my arm as if I had been cut really deep. I couldn't see anything either. Blindfold maybe? Okay Wind, let's see how much you remember.


Arms lifted me off the seat and pulled me out of the door. They didn't put me down, they just carried me. I listened carefully and stayed still trying to get any clues. Gravel. They were walking on gravel. No birds, but of course I don't know what time it is. They had knocked me out after a bit of driving. Their knees came up more as they walked and I assumed we were going up. Maybe stairs, maybe a small hill. We were still on gravel, so maybe it's a driveway?

Most are paved Wind. I heard the voice in the back of my head say. Yes, most. Not all. We could be out in the country.


Doubt it.

But whatever. There was a clicking sound and I felt the cool air of maybe a house. Their footsteps softened so maybe they were on a carpet? A few moments later I heard a door creak open and we started going down. It got colder every time they went down a step. Basement? Another door creaked open and I assumed we went inside. The floor was concrete. They stepped on it, and some scuffed their shoes on it. I felt them all stop and next thing I know I'm being pushed down on a cold table. I feel straps maybe being laid down and tightened over my body. Adrenaline spiked in me as I started to twist and thrash around. I heard them cry out in surprise probably thinking I was still asleep that whole time. I felt hands grab my arms quickly after the moment of surprise ceased. They all quickly gained strength over me and started strapping me down quickly and tighter. I couldn't move an inch after a few moments. Crap. What the heck were they going to do to me? We're they going to torture me?

Well, why else would they strap you to a table in a basement? The little voice in my head said. It continued, did you think they were going to force you to watch corny movies while they shoved popcorn down your throat?

Well of course not! I replied to the stupid little voice.

More thoughts ran through my head as I heard the men shuffle around and then leave the room, closing the door with a slam. I hate feeling weak and vulnerable. Sure, I've been through plenty of scenarios like this with training at Flick, but it was never supposed to happen! Practically impossible at the rate crime was going! I was starting to freak-out, unfortunately. I stayed still for a while, thinking.

Who took me?

What did they want?

Why did they want me?

Where was Bud and Jordan?

Maybe they were taken too?

Maybe by these people?

I heard a loud bang, and then my head being lifted up. I clenched my teeth around the gag wanting to kill whoever is behind me. The blindfold slipped off and I was being blinded by a bright light hanging over me. The gag was pulled off; I licked my lips happy to feel moisture on them. I remained a few moments still blinded by the light while a man's voice rang out in the room. Bouncing off the walls


It flickered again.


Moments passed as I watched the TV with such intensity as if I was playing a life or death video game. The static still poured through.

Ugh. What are they doing? I screamed in my head. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do anymore! We tried escaping, no accomplishment. And I don't know where Wind was. This is crazy! Unrealistic! Idiotic! Impossible! But why are we here! Who the heck are these people! I started freaking out. Jordan must've sensed it, he started to wake up. Jordan had been sleeping for a while now; I figured he might as well since one day we'll have to escape somehow. He'd need the energy. I'm not planning on getting out of here, and if it has to be him or me, I'll make him go. He has something to live for. He has Wind. I don't know how she feels, but she'll open up to him. Eventually. With how hard-headed she is it'll probably take four, no, eight years. I chuckled to myself at this small joke. "What's so funny?" Jordan mumbled his head still partly bent over.

"Nothing. You can go back to sleep." I said not attempting to make a war world 111 by making fun of his crush on Wind. I had been bugging him since I found out about it, till he gave in and admitted it. Then I finally let him sleep. The windows were dark so I assumed it was night time, and yes, I was tired, but I can survive a while more. Huh. I had stopped freaking out. Nice job Jordan.

Wait! Somethings happening! I saw the TV flash again and suddenly it was pulling up a room. Concrete floor, unfinished walls, and a man in dark clothing. The camera focuses in on something in the middle of the room. A table. Something was on it, Holy Crap. "Wind!" I yelled with too much panic and rage in my voice than I liked to be heard. Jordan jerked up making his chair rock. "What? Where?" He said steadying his chair. "Oh." Jordan said. He must've looked at the TV, because my eyes hadn't left the screen. "What are you doing to her!" I yelled with all anger and protectiveness in my voice making sure the guards could hear me. "Get up here, Idiots! I want answers! And now!" I yelled again turning my head towards the door behind us hoping they would come in. My hands clenched the armrests on the chair as if I there was a throat in between them. 

I'm going to kill whoever is doing this.

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