#9 Come Home

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Imagine #9

"Come home!" I yell at my brother.

"Never!" he keeps dancing around the bonfire. I pull him aside.

"James, I came all this way to this insane island for you, now come home." I demand. The group of boys are dancing to no music. How strange...

"Just go home. Papa won't care, he is always away."

"That is not true." I protest.

"Really, Hannah? When is the last time Papa said he loved you or even gives you any attention? Because I know for me it was before mom died. He doesn't care Hannah! Now let me go." He harshly pulls his arm out of my grasp.

He put his mask and ran back into the group.

It's sad to say, but he was right. My father doesn't care....

I hear music come from up behind me. I turn and see a boy playing a pipe.

I pick up my now dirty dress and tread up the hill. It is really hard to walk up steep hills in a corset and three layers of various dresses and under skirts.

I finally reach the piper. I pull the pipe down from his mouth.

"I want to speak to who is in charge here right now." I demand.

The boy looks at me like I said something insane.

"Well, who is in charge?" I say again.

"Pan is." He says.

"Take me to him."

The boy pulls me closer to him by the waist.

"I'm right here love." He smiles nastily.

I push him off of me.

"You, you brought my brother here! Tell him to come home with me right now."

"You are so demanding. I love that in you." He said flashing his green eyes.

I look back at the group and think I see my brother.

"James! If that's you-"

"It's no use dearie. Once a lost boy is here, they never want to leave."

"But my brother will never be a lost boy." I hiss.

"When you don't feel loved, you hear my music. When someone who hears the sound of my flute, that automatically means that they belong here. and trust me, James heard it."

Wait, I hear it.... I stumble back.

"Is something wrong dear?" says Pan smirking. I think he knows that I heard.

The lost boys all stare and laugh.

This can't be true, do I truly not feel loved?

"I have to get out of here..." I say under my breath. I pick up my dress and run. I hear the boys laughing at me and making fun of me.

I run as fast as I can, holding back my tears. I suddenly stop when I reach a tall rock that is right above the water. I look over to see how high up I am, when the bottom of my work boots slip on the edge.

I plummet into the thrashing cold waves. I struggle to reach the surface, with my dress being so heavy and hard to move in. It feels like the I'm being dragged down, into the dark waters. My vision starts to go blurry when I see a figure frantically swimming toward me. My lungs fill with water.

It grabs me and pulls me up to the surface. It picks me up bridal style and lays me down on the sand. Everything is still getting darker.

I hear the unknown face pull out a dagger. My corset is ripped open, allowing my lungs to expand. I cough up most of the water in my mouth and gasp for air.

"It's alright, just breathe, you will be ok...." says the boy calming me down.

I blink a couple of times and see the one and only Peter Pan holding me, slowly rocking me back and forth.

"You... you saved me." I say in between breaths.

"I know," he says gently brushing my hair out of my face, "I'm sorry for acting like a total jerk back there, I couldn't show my soft side to the boys."

"Peter, I heard... I heard the mu-"

"I know you did, but you don't have to stay here. You and your brother are allowed to leave."

"I don't want to leave you, I mean Neverland." I smile.

"Don't worry love, I don't want you to go either."

Something came over me very quickly.I reached up and cupped his face, kissing him. He pulled back, kissed my forehead, and rested his against mine.

For the first time in my whole life, I felt loved.

For Potter6798, this was cute :) remember to vote and comment

And a word of advice for everyone, please PLEASE do not steal other authors' work. It is really not cool and fun to deal with.

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