3. Sober

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I stare at the words on the page blankly, none of them actually seeping into my brain. I should have known better than trying to study after a late night, but I'm a try hard. "Thalia, seriously, just give up on it." Aniya speaks up from beside me, sipping on her pineapple smoothie. "We both know you can't focus. Why don't we go do something fun? We can see what Maz is up to." I sigh, knowing Aniya is right, like always. I'm not even comprehending most of these words, none the less retaining them. I groan but close my book, showing Aniya that she's won. She smiles triumphantly. 

"Good girl, just give me two seconds. I'm going to call Maz and see what she's doing." Aniya steps out of the library respecting everyone else's peace and quiet. I sigh, gathering my things. I know the reason why I couldn't focus and it irks me. My thoughts stay on Ashton and that stupid project. I hardly know the guy yet I want to delve into his head and find out everything that could possibly be wrong with him. This is serious invasion of privacy but honestly that's the least of my worries.

How the hell am I supposed to make a guy, who I think hates me, spill his deepest and darkest secrets?

I shove open the heavy glass door of the library and approach Aniya as she turns off her phone. "She's with Luke Hemmings at his dorm. Since when did they start hanging out?" I shrug nonchalantly and follow Aniya, as she knows the way to Bryant Hall. 

"Since she started calling him Daddy." 

"What did you say? " Aniya asks and I quickly brush it off. 

"Nothing. I don't know when she started hanging with him." 

Aniya gives me a strange look but doesn't say anything. I need to be careful what I say around her. Aniya is my friend but I'm not entirely sure if she's best friends with Maz like I am. I don't want to be spilling her tea when it's not even mine to spill.

We eventually make it to Bryan Hall and I follow her up the stairs. We stop on the second floor and make our way all the way down hallway until we see the last door on the right. I hesitantly knock on the door before Aniya rolls her eyes and shoves it open, walking right in. 

"I will fucking end you!" Maz screams at the top of her lungs. 

I'm taken aback until I see the Xbox controller in her hands. I look to the screen to see her playing Super Mario Galaxy 2. Luke sits next to her, his lip brought between his teeth and eyes focused on the screen. Aniya laughs loudly, catching the pairs attention. 

"So, when you said hanging out, you meant playing video games?" Aniya asks, looking between the two. 

"Um, yeah." Luke states, obviously annoyed. "What's wrong with video games?" 

"Nothing," Aniya begins. She sends me a look as if saying 'they're grown ass people'. Regardless, she turns back to them. "So, can I play?" Maz nods and hands her controller over to Aniya. 

"Hey, Luke, where's the-" A voice resounds across the dorm and my had snaps at its familiarity. Ashton stands in the doorway in a band tee. His eyes land on me and my breath hitches. How the hell had I not realized that he is basically walking sex? His eyebrow raises and his gaze goes to Aniya. "Um, who are they and why are they in our dorm?" 

Luke groans, not taking his eyes from the television. "This is Aniya and that's Thalia, you met her at the party." His gaze snaps back to me as a look of recognition passes over his face. He nods but doesn't say anything else. I feel eyes on me and look to Maz, her stare eating through me. She casts glances between Ashton and I and raises her eyebrows suggestively. I roll my eyes and excuse myself to the bathroom, wanting to be anywhere but here. I should have just stayed in the library and powered through. 

"Here, I'll show you where it is." Ashton offers. I'm surprised at this but I don't reject. 

As soon as we step out of the room and turn the corner, Ashton reaches out and grabs my arm. "Hey, I just wanted to say thank you." 

"For what?" I ask stupidly. 

Ashton rolls his eyes and shoves his hands into his jeans pockets. "You know, for not saying anything about what you saw. I guess I should say sorry, too. I threw a fucking pillow at your face." 

I'm taken aback by his honesty. This is the perfect chance to ask him what he was crying about. I could do it right now if I wanted. Instead, I play it off like it's no big deal. 

"Oh, it's no problem. It's your business. Not mine." 

His hazel eyes lock with mine for a moment and I feel a blush creep to my cheeks. 

"Well, if you need anything at all, just let me know." Ashton pauses and opens the door to the bathroom. "And here you are." He sends a warm smile and I feel a tingly sensation in my chest. Damn these hormones. I mutter a quick thanks and head into the bathroom. Before I can shut the door Ashton calls my name. 

"Hey, Thalia."


He sends me another smile. 

"You're even prettier when I'm sober."

HOLY FUCK HI GUYS!! I'm so sorry it's taken a bit to upload. University has just started and honestly I'm already stressed af. BUTTTT here's a little chapter it's kind of short and kinda lame compared to the rest but I'm still setting up stuff. Tbh though my little fangirl heart freaked out on that last line like yes Ash fuck me up. Anyway, ily guys and ILMaz and autumn and all those cool cats. Much love and I hope to post soon!

-S x      

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