9. Progress

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"How's your project coming on?" Aniya asks, taking a seat at the desk across from me. I exhale loudly and shrug my shoulders, sending her a small smile. In all actuality, I have no idea how it's coming. I can hardly get anything out of Ashton, so far. We've only had two sessions at the moment. Well, three, if you count the time we hooked up as one. However, I can't tell Aniya that, so I continue on with my facade of positivity.

"It's going okay, I guess. You?" I question, turning it back to her. 

"Great, actually. My subject is very compliant and I feel like I'm really getting somewhere. For the first time, I actually feel confident that I'm going to get a project done on time." 

Well, that makes one of us.   

Three sharp raps of a ruler against a desk bring us back to attention. Mr. Wiles stands at the front of the classroom, his arms wrapped tightly in front of his chest. A frown plays on his pursed lips as his eyes land on me. "If you guys aren't finished talking you are welcome to leave." I clear my throat and hide my face as I feel a blush rising. 

"No, sir. We were finished." 

Professor Wiles nods before clapping his hands together. "Okay, then. How are everyone's projects coming?" The class remains silent and he chuckles lightly. "That great, huh? Well, for those who are struggling, try taking the project in a different direction. If the formality of it is throwing you off try making these sessions more relaxed." 

More relaxed? I don't think he means sex when he says relaxed, but hey, it works.

"And if you're having issues with your subject opening up," he begins, readjusting his glasses on his face, "Just remind them that this is all anonymous. Be more to them than just a person who gives them psychobabble. Speak to them the way you speak to someone you care about. It's okay to make a friend out of this."  

Professor Wiles once-overs the classroom and nods his head in approval. 

"Alright, let's get on to Festinger then." 

The remainder of the class passes slowly. I can't help but keep my mind on Ashton instead of Festinger's cognitive dissonance theory. Obviously, there is something wrong with the boy. He admitted that he had a problem with sex, sure. He won't go any deeper than that, though. Every time I get close to pushing past those walls, he puts them right back up. The question is, what do I have to do to bring those down?


"I already fucking told you, FIFA is overrated." 

I open the door to my dorm and am met with Ashton, Luke, Maz, Calum, and some guy I don't know with fluorescent green hair crowded around my kitchen table, a group of games spread out on the surface. 

"You're out of the band," the unknown man asserts.

Ashton rolls his eyes and exhales loudly. "We don't even have a band, you idiot."

"Yeah," the man begins again, "but if we did, you'd be kicked the fuck out." 

"Um, hi?" I interject, wondering how the place I live became the popular hang out for the hottest people I know. I set my bag down and pull up a chair beside the group. 

"Thal, this is Michael. He's friends with the guys." 

I nod toward him in acknowledgment, sending him a small smile. He smiles back and waves lightly. "Nice to meet you, sweetheart." I feel a blush creep to my cheeks and turn back toward Maz in hopes of hiding it. Her eyebrow is raised as she sends a quizzical look at me and Michael. 

I clear my throat, hoping to start a new conversation and look to Ashton. His face is set firm, an unreadable look in his eyes. "What were you guys planning on doing, tonight?" I question, readjusting myself in my seat. Ashton's face changes almost instantly and it's as if the strange expression was never there in the first place. 

"We were going to work on your project, remember?" Ashton speaks. 

"No, I don't remember, I-"

"You'd think you'd remember your own project, Thalia. How do you expect to pass if you can't even remember?" Ashton questions me, laughing mockingly. 

"You f-" I begin, but am cut off by Maz.

"Luke and I were going to go catch a film and Calum and Michael were going to join us. You're welcome to come with if you want."

Before I can answer, Ashton answers for me. 

"Thanks for the invite, but she really needs to get her project done." 

Maz nods and stands abruptly; the rest of the group follows her lead. She slings her purse over her shoulder and makes a move to hug me. I let her and she whispers in my ear, "Have fun. Just be careful." She pulls away and speaks again, this time it is loud enough for everyone to hear, "Alright, well we will miss you." She heads for the door and Luke casually places an arm around her shoulder. Calum and Michael follow out the door. Michael turns back and waves again. 

"Nice to meet you, Thalia. Hope to see you again." 

"Likewise," I nod, shutting the door behind him and turning to face Ashton. His face is softer, now as if he is deep in thought. "I know we didn't agree on meeting again," I state, heading to the cabinet as I grab myself a glass and fill it with ice. 

"I know, but we still have some progress to make."

I fill up the cup with water from the sink when I feel his presence behind me. My breath hitches in my throat as I feel his lower half press against my back. "Ashton..."

His hand reaches around me and grips onto my hips, squeezing the extra skin there. His hands are warm and seem even larger when they're on me. I swallow thickly, trying to ignore the fire that's igniting in my stomach. "Ashton, you said we were going to work on the project, so that's what we are going to do. 

I feel him brush back the hair off my shoulder, exposing my skin. He places his lips on the bare slope of my shoulder. They move deftly against my skin, leaving goosebumps as he trails his lips closer to my neck. I inhale shakily, trying to compose myself against the warmth of his mouth. 

"We'll do the project. I promise," Ashton swears as he reaches my neck. He bites down lightly and my knees nearly buckle. He chuckles, deep in his throat and begins to knead his fingers into my side. He places a chaste kiss to where he just bit me and continues.

"But why can't I make you cum first?"  


Hello my horny loves! I hope you all are doing wonderful! Sorry for the little tease at the end but yanno I gotta leave you wanting more. Anyyyywho, WANT YOU BACK IS OUT AND I SWEAR MY PANTIES FLEW ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE ROOM IT IS SO GOOD. Honestly, I am so excited for this era.

ANYWAY... I love you guys so much and I hope you're doing great. I'll talk to you soon x


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